View Full Version : Obamanation - A Sad Reality Coming True

16th November 2012, 14:52
Well, just 1 week after the election... The truth of Nobama rears its ugly head...

Stock Market down 800 points.
New jobless claims of 439,000
Thousands of more layoffs announced.

Hostess going under. It's that darn union. I know if I worked there, no union would of stopped me from keeping my job. A good worker doesnt need a union.
Companies facing huge fines because they refuse to get "Obamacare" because stuff that is in it goes against thier beliefs. This is unreal. Companies going bankrupt, having layoffs because they cant afford the Obamacare. This is going to get real bad. I hope all the people that voted for him are happy. Those that did, deserve to be broke and jobless... You reap what you sow!

Well, Obama's plan is really taking a hit because the hardworkers are losing thier jobs and that means there is less money to take away from them and give to the lazy man who refuses to work. What's his answer now ?

Oh well, Im off to sign my petition to secede from this United States of Obama.....lol Have a great day.

16th November 2012, 14:58
He's the best of a bad bunch. Its the same in any country. At least you didn't end up with a war monger who was intent on offending your allies like Romney. The world is in a bad place right now and nothing is going to repair an economy overnight.

Obama is the worst of the bunch! He is a flawed socialist, liar, and a coward. He had 4 years to make some type of improvement in this economy and he didnt! He made it worse.

16th November 2012, 15:38
I knew the crazy train would be back once the circuit breakers tripped during the election were reset. Hostess is a tough call since they wanted to cut their hardworkers' pay by 20% and simultaneously make them pay for 30% of their healthcare, so an overall loss of maybe 25-30% of total compensation. Hostess has been through a few bankruptcies in the last ten years and companies regularly do it not because they're in any kind of poor financial health as much as using it to throw out contract agreements, like we saw with American Airlines. Hostess claims they're going to liquidate assets this time, but let's see what is really done. Look on the plus side. Obama didn't bail them out!

Companies facing fines for not following new health care rules only seems to apply to some select Catholic institutions (not mine, by the way) that think discrimination in the name of religion should be protected. We've already established the boundaries of faith versus regulation, and they want to make political hay about it let them eat the cost. And since those laws aren't even in force yet no one has been fined anything and there's plenty of time for these institutions to start following the law. If anything it shows how out of touch Vatican appointed organizations, particularly Bishops and Cardinals in the US are at odds with the majority of Catholic hospitals, universities, charities and churches, let alone worshipers.

The only companies that have made any kind of plan or threat to lay off or close because of the health care laws are currently making petty threats to hurt their workforce before (again) anything is being enforced. A pizza chain owner has claimed he'll lay off thousands of his own people rather than lose what he (using what math) estimates is $.14 from a $15 pizza. Of course the costs of reducing staff and the extra pay everyone else will need isn't factored in because it is just posturing on the owner's part. Another owner of several Denny's restaurants in Florida says he is immediately adding 5% to every bill in protest of healthcare he may need to pay in the future. Again it's nothing but a cynical posturing stand, with the added bonus of jacking up prices for a little while. Both of these blowhards will make their noise and then get in line like everyone does when new rules are put in place, just like with food handling and preparation standards, desegregation, workplace safety and collective bargaining.

So far Republicans still haven't figured out how to react to another crushing defeat. Staying the stupid course isn't going to get them any additional support, but at the same time that's where they get their money and bodies in the street, so they're kind of stuck in a corner they painted for themselves. Jindal and Rubio have at least made public disagreements with an embittered Romney who claimed the election was determined by urban takers, so there may be hope. But those two have also gotten a lot of mileage from the crazy train so it's too early to see if there will be a real change of direction.

16th November 2012, 16:23
Let's celebrate!


16th November 2012, 17:35
You guys that dont see what is happening around you and that is the country falling apart because of Obama's policies...its because of 1 of 2 things....

1. You are in denial and refuse to accept it. It's called accountability.
2. You are delusional. Maybe its because of the Obama Kool-Aid you are drinking....lol

race aficionado
16th November 2012, 17:37

Yeah, lol :dozey:

Dave B
16th November 2012, 18:03
You guys that dont see what is happening around you and that is the country falling apart because of Obama's policies...its because of 1 of 2 things....

1. You are in denial and refuse to accept it. It's called accountability.
2. You are delusional. Maybe its because of the Obama Kool-Aid you are drinking....lol
You live in a country which, for all its flaws, is a democracy. The people have spoken and you'll have to live with that. If you think you can do a better job, put yourself forward for office. Don't sit on a forum having a whinge, get off your backside and go and make a difference.

16th November 2012, 18:20
You guys that dont see what is happening around you and that is the country falling apart because of Obama's policies...its because of 1 of 2 things....

1. You are in denial and refuse to accept it. It's called accountability.
2. You are delusional. Maybe its because of the Obama Kool-Aid you are drinking....lol

What we see in you is someone not sufficiently intelligent to put forward anything other than deeply trite, rent-a-quote arguments. Look at how you write. Look then at how, for instance, Gregor-y writes in his contribution a few posts up. There is an intellectual chasm between you. Do you realise this?

16th November 2012, 18:28
Well BDunnell..... Some things dont really need much of an explanation. They are self-explanatory...lol

Just like what Im saying. Look around, watch the news. This country is falling apart and Obama will and is making it worse.

@DaveB,... You are wrong, Democracy and Capitalism, although not perfect, are the best systems to live under.

16th November 2012, 18:57
Just like what Im saying. Look around, watch the news. This country is falling apart and Obama will and is making it worse.You're such a cry baby. You remind me of those Ivy League kids I met in college who would literally cry because they never had to do their own laundry.

"This country is falling apart..." No it isn't! Just because you're a sore loser doesn't mean the country is in the toilet. You always question Obama's ability to lead, but I've seen plenty. 1) Stabilizing an economy on the brink of a financial abyss. 2) Dealing with Iran through sanctions rather than military action (Republican-backed). 3) Killing Osama bin Laden, which is something that Bushwhacker was never able to do.

My advice? Keep crying. I'll keep smiling. Also, I may also suggest that you curl up into a ball.

16th November 2012, 19:11
Well BDunnell..... Some things dont really need much of an explanation. They are self-explanatory...lol

You are the very definition of the anti-intellectual. Do you think that is accurate? Do you consider yourself an intelligent person?

Dave B
16th November 2012, 19:15
You haven't understood what I posted, have you?

16th November 2012, 19:59
Well BDunnell..... Some things dont really need much of an explanation. They are self-explanatory...lol

... but a little research doesn't hurt either. Try it sometime, it'll help you to have an actual argument and look less of an idiot.

And flaffing about, making wild noises about 'the sky is falling' sorta makes you sound like some of these 'angry white men'-types that run abouts recently, especially after Mitt's 'sore loser' rant this week.

Just like what Im saying. Look around, watch the news. This country is falling apart and Obama will and is making it worse.

Oh, you mean as in Fox News. Sorry, but I treat them as I do MSNBC; a mouthpiece for officials and followers of either Republican or Democrat parties, both of which have long since fallen out of favor with me. The country had been 'falling apart' for over fifteen years, but no one had been paying attention to that. Only when there is an election on is when the spotlight is shined on those problems and missteps, but only when the parties can use them for making political hay.

@DaveB,... You are wrong, Democracy and Capitalism, although not perfect, are the best systems to live under.
... especially when everyone chooses to 'follow the rules'.

Problem is, since '98 that has not been the case. From the NAFTA agreement; to the debacles that were Enron, WorldCom, and others that chose to play 'fast & loose' with the Ledgers and finance reports; the Derivitives scandal that not only gave us a preview of things to come on Wall Street, that brought down one of the greatest supporters of the Free market, then- Fed Chairman Allan Greenspan, in an sad performance before a Congressional hearing; the rise and 'atta boy' of Bernie Madoff at a function, with the SEC chair in attendance; the real estate bubble, which was increased by toxic mortgages that were later bundled and sold to Investment houses on Wall Street, only to destroy one (Lehman Bros.), screwed-up a second(AIG), endanger another (Merrill Lynch), and nearly made dominoes out of the rest. Leading to Bernanke's 'too big to fail' idea of giving money to the others; and, finally, there is the bailouts of the auto industry, to save it from the mess of massive firings and shuttering of production plants.

And all of this happened between the latter of Clinton's presidency and the whole of Bush's.

As it was said, it is the best system to live under, as long as everyone is following the rules. Otherwise, as we've seen in the past, it becomes harder for one president to overcome under one term.

donKey jote
16th November 2012, 20:56
Yeah, lol :dozey:

what a troll lol... :p :dozey:

16th November 2012, 21:07
that guy sounds like a real crybaby. he is good at one thing though. He picks losers.

16th November 2012, 22:00
Obama is the worst of the bunch! He is a flawed socialist, liar, and a coward. He had 4 years to make some type of improvement in this economy and he didnt! He made it worse.

How much did Wall St contribute?
How much did the American people contribute?

Moreover, why did you continue to buy products which came from overseas? How much did you personally contribute?

17th November 2012, 10:48
In short - the Republican party need a total overhaul. I don't know if they are capable of that. They are so entrenched in their own bullish!t they can't move. First of all the working middle class is really the heart and sole of this country. The repubs did not take care of them. Secondly the repubs need to take their hand off the Pussy. Women are a huge voting block now and the repubs just need to listen. The repubs need to quit bitching and bring out a great new plan embracing the middle class. The big corps and the wealthy rubbing their money in the middle class's face has led to class warfare. Danicafan I have been a repub most of my life. This party needs a complete overhaul. I think this election will serve notice and if not heeded the repubs may be out of office for many years. The slaughtering or the arrogant wealthy people and corporations is now underway. It is up to the party to get in line with the public. We can be fiscal conservatives without ramming Jesus Christ up the ass of all our women ! Running the Polygamy Party was obviously a huge mistake.

17th November 2012, 11:29
I still can't see what's so funny to keep lolling about, unless you are laughing at your own repetitive empty arguments, in which case please knock yourself out laughing.

17th November 2012, 13:57
In short - the Republican party need a total overhaul. I don't know if they are capable of that. They are so entrenched in their own bullish!t they can't move. First of all the working middle class is really the heart and sole of this country. The repubs did not take care of them. Secondly the repubs need to take their hand off the Pussy. Women are a huge voting block now and the repubs just need to listen. The repubs need to quit bitching and bring out a great new plan embracing the middle class. The big corps and the wealthy rubbing their money in the middle class's face has led to class warfare. Danicafan I have been a repub most of my life. This party needs a complete overhaul. I think this election will serve notice and if not heeded the repubs may be out of office for many years. The slaughtering or the arrogant wealthy people and corporations is now underway. It is up to the party to get in line with the public. We can be fiscal conservatives without ramming Jesus Christ up the ass of all our women ! Running the Polygamy Party was obviously a huge mistake.

I can't disagree with a word of this.

18th November 2012, 03:43
You guys that dont see what is happening around you and that is the country falling apart because of Obama's policies...its because of 1 of 2 things....

DanicaFan, IMO you have been reading too much republican and conservative media media's posturing claims. I am getting really tired of this panicking "OMG, everything is going down! Obama is socialist! God save the country!" message. We have been hearing this for the past four years, and the electorate clearly didn't buy into it. Time to change the Republican Party with its reactionary knee jerk response to everything or it will go down in flames. Please, no more tea parties, no more Trumps, no more Bachmans, no more Joe Arpaio's and the like. All of this only helped to define republicans as a fringe party. The republican party was outdated for the past 15 years. GWB won only by a razor thin miracle in 2000 and only because of post-9/11 patriotic response in 2004. After that, two crushing defeats. Time to take some lessons from this IMO.

18th November 2012, 16:13
Well BDunnell..... Some things dont really need much of an explanation. They are self-explanatory...lol

You don't have to be of the psuedo big city-educated-liberal-elite.

It's not about Left or Right.

The cancer in US politics is Washington politics. And I'm not just referring to PACS. It's the system.

However, from where I am sitting both sides seem to be debating symptoms, not underlying causes. The growth of the debt is just a reflection of the fundamental breakdown we have witnessed in the contract between the generations. The sluggish economy is, in turn, a reflection of the administration’s penchant for over-complex regulation, and the tendency for each new law to generate uncountable billing hours for hordes of lawyers. The evidence of institutional degeneration is striking. The World Economic Forum gives the US shockingly bad scores for the quality of legal institutions. The World Bank data on governance show a marked decline since the late 1990s. Harvard Business School alumni are full of gloom about the effectiveness of the political system, the quality of education and the complexity of the tax code.

Of course, these are the issues that don’t get discussed in presidential election campaigns. But as I travel around this extraordinary country, I am struck by how many people recognise the problems I am describing here.

In a few days’ time, we shall see which of the men Americans believe is better equipped to address them. For my part, I hope they will pick the challenger. But whoever wins 47 per cent of the vote – and perhaps they both will – should never forget: the real division is one of opinion, not of class, race or sex.

The United States: a struggling nation that is polls apart - Telegraph (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/us-election/9651384/The-United-States-a-struggling-nation-that-is-polls-apart.html)

Don Capps
18th November 2012, 16:20
Well, just 1 week after the election... The truth of Nobama rears its ugly head...

Stock Market down 800 points.
New jobless claims of 439,000
Thousands of more layoffs announced.

Hostess going under. It's that darn union. I know if I worked there, no union would of stopped me from keeping my job. A good worker doesnt need a union.
Companies facing huge fines because they refuse to get "Obamacare" because stuff that is in it goes against thier beliefs. This is unreal. Companies going bankrupt, having layoffs because they cant afford the Obamacare. This is going to get real bad. I hope all the people that voted for him are happy. Those that did, deserve to be broke and jobless... You reap what you sow!

Well, Obama's plan is really taking a hit because the hardworkers are losing thier jobs and that means there is less money to take away from them and give to the lazy man who refuses to work. What's his answer now ?

Oh well, Im off to sign my petition to secede from this United States of Obama.....lol Have a great day.

Obama is the worst of the bunch! He is a flawed socialist, liar, and a coward. He had 4 years to make some type of improvement in this economy and he didnt! He made it worse.

You guys that dont see what is happening around you and that is the country falling apart because of Obama's policies...its because of 1 of 2 things....

1. You are in denial and refuse to accept it. It's called accountability.
2. You are delusional. Maybe its because of the Obama Kool-Aid you are drinking....lol

I think that most here would consider this sort of thing as only something that only a troll would write and, therefore, should be ignored given that any responses would only further encourage the obviously delusional person being lurking out in cyberspace who seems to get his jollies being somewhat perverse in his condemnation of all that he disagrees with within the political sphere. It is very difficult to impossible to have any respect for such opinions, which are akin to the delusions many of this ilk seem to obsess over within their rather twisted, even perverse ideological bubbles. As often said, while the person known as "Danicafan" is certainly entitled to his opinions, as divorced from any sense of reality as they might be, he is definitely not entitled to presenting those opinions as facts. That "Danicafan" is, like the recent Republican nominee, a very sore and nasty-tempered loser (and clueless as to why), is scarcely a surprise.

Sorry, "Danicafan," you are the one whose has gulped the grape Flavor-Aid and slipped the bonds of both civility and reality.

18th November 2012, 16:36
You don't have to be of the psuedo big city-educated-liberal-elite.

It's not about Left or Right.

The cancer in US politics is Washington politics. And I'm not just referring to PACS. It's the system.

Well, there are clearly significant underlying or structural problems that transcend divisions between left and right, but I would argue that significant issues currently rendering the Republicans very much an extreme party, and which contributed heavily to the recent defeat, are very much left/right in nature.

18th November 2012, 23:14
Well the people spoke big. So lets see how he does. 4 yrs goes by fast so I am not worried. Lets see how he handles the fiscal cliff. I think at the end of the day this election was about class warfare and women's rights.

18th November 2012, 23:57
Can someone please explain the "fiscal cliff" to me?

As I understand it, the United States has a debt problem. The way you'd fix an underlying debt problem is to raise tax and reduce spending. The "fiscal cliff" as I understand it is a end of Bush-era tax cuts and an automatic reduction in spending, which in effect is a very small step in reducing the underlying debt problem.

The "fiscal cliff" appears then to be a part solution because the Taxpayer Protection Pledge has by operation prevented any meaningful discussion on the topic and more or less caused gridlock in the 112th Congress as it will continue to do so in the 113rd.
In other words, the "fiscal cliff" is what should already be being done by a Congress who refuses to do so,

race aficionado
19th November 2012, 01:23
There is not really any kind of “cliff” in the sense that if you stepped over the edge, you would fall fast, land on something hard, and not get up for a long time. In the modern US economy, the scheduled changes constitute more of a fiscal “slope”
In this country we love to over dramatize so that it garners more excitement.
Read more at America (http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/how-obama-can-overcome-republican-s-tax-intransigence-by-simon-johnson#oRed37gY48OLF0sp.99)

19th November 2012, 01:35
From the link you posted:
Ordinarily, partisan political gridlock in Washington would prevent any such sensible change. Fortunately, the fiscal slope gives Obama the opportunity to bring it about – and even to write some history in the process.
America (http://www.project-syndicate.org/commentary/how-obama-can-overcome-republican-s-tax-intransigence-by-simon-johnson#oRed37gY48OLF0sp.99)

In this country we love to over dramatize so that it garners more excitement.

In other words hoohaa because it sells media.

race aficionado
19th November 2012, 01:54
http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by race aficionado http://www.motorsportforums.com/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png (http://www.motorsportforums.com/chit-chat/156193-obamanation-sad-reality-coming-true-2.html#post1084254)
In this country we love to over dramatize so that it garners more excitement.

In other words hoohaa because it sells media.

Yep, this particular quote you quoted was mine.
In this country - don't know if it's common practice in other mayor media markets - but they love to give movie type titles to actual important current events.

"Shock & Awe" is a good example . . .

When I use to edit in the big edit facilities in NYC and news companies like CBS would come to us, we had our graphics department design special flashy animations with the given title, and of course added some flashy music.

Going back to the fiscal slope, this of course is indeed a very important issue and I am looking forward to see what our elected officials in Washington come up with before the end of the year.

19th November 2012, 05:07
Yep, this particular quote you quoted was mine.
In this country - don't know if it's common practice in other mayor media markets - but they love to give movie type titles to actual important current events.

"Shock & Awe" is a good example . . .

When I use to edit in the big edit facilities in NYC and news companies like CBS would come to us, we had our graphics department design special flashy animations with the given title, and of course added some flashy music.

Going back to the fiscal slope, this of course is indeed a very important issue and I am looking forward to see what our elected officials in Washington come up with before the end of the year.

Well the reason they waited so long to tackle the fiscal cliff - Obama wanted to see what happens on Dec 21 :)

Rudy Tamasz
19th November 2012, 09:54
Obamanation? Does America really depend that much on politics and politicians? I hope not. I believe not.