View Full Version : I need youre help please!!!

8th April 2012, 00:36
I have been following this forum for years now but never made an account, but now i really really need your help.

I have entered the 'make it your race 2012' and could really do with support from fellow minded people!

If you could take 1 second to click VOTE in the red box under the video i would be SO GRATEFUL

to anyone who votes and helps me get a dream opportunity, THANK YOU!!!

8th April 2012, 17:34
Well, if you would have made an account years ago and contributed something to the forum, maybe you'd now have some friends here willing to help. I'm sure everybody in the 'make it your race 2012' need help just like you. We don't know them and we don't know you, so why would we help especially you?

8th April 2012, 20:29
Click a strange link? Sure! Oh, wait... who are you again?

11th April 2012, 00:21
i didn't think this thread has been allowed to be posted :(

i know it sounds cheeky because it was my first post but i thought that fellow motorsport fans would help me out to try get a dream for me.

if anyone does vote i am extremely thankful !

ABARTH - MAKE IT YOUR RACE 2012 (http://makeityourrace.it/index.php?mod=vote&act=detail&id=12423&SEARCH_MERCATO_PARTECIPANTE=8&SEARCH_NOME_PARTECIPANTE=&limitstart=0)

11th April 2012, 07:44
Voted. ;)

11th April 2012, 08:16
For someone else? :p

11th April 2012, 08:27
Nope, for the gentleman in question. :) Since he asked so nicely. :)

16th May 2012, 07:48
Just be a little more specific regarding the content in the link, so that I may also think upon for voting. After all every vote counts and matters.