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View Full Version : Dan Wheldon Memorial Service on Versus

24th October 2011, 02:35
Did anyone record the service? We were out and I recorded it on our DVR but it ran past 5 so I missed the end of it. It focused on the good memories of Dan that we would like to hold on to. If anyone recorded it and could make me a copy on DVD I'd appreciate it. You can post here or PM me. I checked Versus' website but there is no indication that they will be rebroadcasting it. Thanks in advance. I appreciate it.

24th October 2011, 16:32
Sorry, but I didn't watch it. It might sound weak to some people, but I already felt myself just awful this week after Dan's death.. And I wasn't planning to start this week the same way. I will watch it when I'm ready for it.. Because yesterday I wasn't ready yet.

Maybe they will rebroadcast it a few weeks later? I don't know anything about this, because I had to watch every race via livestreams this year, as I can't get Versus in The Netherlands. This means I don't have a TV-guide or something else related to Versus.

If they do broadcast it on Versus in a few weeks, let me know it.. Because, then I can watch it on Versus via a livestream.

Nikki Katz
24th October 2011, 18:05
I don't think it was broadcast in the UK, they did an hour long feature on him on Thursday, which was quite sweet, not least because the majority of the guests seemed to know him pretty well. Could've done without the plinky piano music though, a bit ott.

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2011, 18:42
It was done as a webcast, and they had some highlights on SPEED in North America. A good cry and laugh was had...

24th October 2011, 19:08
I'd be surprised if it wasn't on indycar.com. It was a great memorial and a bunch of speakers brought out the laughter in remembering Dan. I think it should be a must watch for any Wheldon fan. Yes, it is quite sad at times, but as with any death, we should all strive to remember what made the person so loved instead of focusing on the loss. Kanaan, Franchitti and Herta did a good job taking us into the "No Cry Zone."

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2011, 19:11
Dario's crack that Dan was the only guy on the Borg Warner who had different teeth for each win just cracked me up...

Mark in Oshawa
24th October 2011, 19:12
It is ironic, and it just came to me that the last real prankster smart ass the series really seemed to love universally was Greg Moore. It seems fate always seems to strike the best loved...

25th October 2011, 03:35
Dario's crack that Dan was the only guy on the Borg Warner who had different teeth for each win just cracked me up...

Can someone explain this to me? I appear to be missing some information.

25th October 2011, 11:49
I watched the memorial on indycar.com and thought it was really well done. Dario and Ashley seem to have pulled some strings with their Nashville acquaintances and even got Garth Brooks, who rarely performs these days, to close the service.

Wasn't it Franchitti also who said "We thought Dan was high maintenance until we got Marco as a team-mate" :D
The story of Kanaan, Herta and Franchitti breaking into Dan's hotel room at Motegi and Fed-Exing one shoe of each of pair back to the States was just hilarious.

Fast by Ferracci
26th October 2011, 10:41
Can someone explain this to me? I appear to be missing some information.

Wheldon got some major dental work done prior to the 2008 season