View Full Version : Good Oil Paintings for Sale

23rd July 2011, 07:42
A good oil painting will look like crap until it's about 65 - 75% finished. The oil paintings needs to be built up on many semi-transparent layers of paint and brush strokes. Good, simple oil paintings for sale (http://www.gallerymeeting.com) can take 6-8 weeks and the really good ones up to 8 months to finish
Part of the reason for this is that there has to be a fair amount of Van Gogh paintings (http://www.gallerymeeting.com/category-3-b0-Van-Gogh.html) on the canvas as well as a good variety of color values, and properly placed color values to get a good sense of depth. So relax, because it's impossible to get to that stage quickly, but it is worth all the effort for getting good oil painting for sale!

23rd July 2011, 10:23
From where i can buy these paintings??

I have paintings!!!