View Full Version : Cookies!

Dave B
8th March 2011, 16:10

Does this affect the forum at all?

From 25 May, European laws dictate that "explicit consent" must be gathered from web users who are being tracked via text files called "cookies".

These files are widely used to help users navigate faster around sites they visit regularly.

Businesses are being urged to sort out how they get consent so they can keep on using cookies.

The changes are demanded by the European e-Privacy directive which comes into force in the UK in late May.

Full story: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12668552

And before Mark asks: yes I give my consent :p

9th March 2011, 07:52
It's yet to be clear how this will affect things. The forum does put a cookie on your computer but it's for the sole purpose of allowing you to log back in automatically. However I believe the adverts on the site also put down cookies, so google can see what sites you've visited. e.g. I've visited some job recruitment sites recently and so I've been seeing adverts for same on here!

10th March 2011, 14:03
I think Google have a page somewhere that allows you (as a web site user, not publisher) to opt out of that side of their advertising leaving only page content on which to choose ads.

Cookies for managing shopping carts are excluded in the directive. At the moment I'd suggest a simple "You agree" message next to the login prompt with regards to remembing login details etc. Ie, if you don't agree you can't use that feature...

10th March 2011, 14:20
I expect it'll be part of our terms and conditions that you agree that's it's ok for google to deliver those cookies.

22nd March 2011, 15:25
btw it is indeed possible as a general website user to change your 'cookie preference' with Google. Just click an 'Ads by Google' link next to an advert and go from there.

23rd March 2011, 09:01
btw it is indeed possible as a general website user to change your 'cookie preference' with Google. Just click an 'Ads by Google' link next to an advert and go from there.

Thanks, I didn't know that. I suspect putting that somewhere in our FAQ will be sufficient to satisfy the new regulations.