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14th March 2007, 20:01
On Saturday im doing my theory test and wondering if anyone has any tips or is it a case of good knowledge of The Highway Code and common sense?

Any tips appreciated :D

Dave B
14th March 2007, 20:17
There's an online "practice" version somewhere, if I recall. To be honest, if you know your HC you'll be fine. Good luck :up:

Edit: found it :D

Brown, Jon Brow
14th March 2007, 20:18
Make sure that you have done pactice tests on the computer and used the hazard perception discs. The hazard perception is the only thing you could fail on really, but if you have had practice then you should be fine. If you fail the multi choice questions then you don't deserve to be able to drive :D

Have you done any practice hazard clips?

14th March 2007, 20:57
Hey man good luck. My advice is take your time, too many people rush thru the multi choice only to find they have misunderstood a question, its really annoying walking out with 29/35. If u haven't already buy a good DVD-rom (LDC is the best) and a copy of HC. If you are taking lessons on the road get your instructor to Q&A your road rules knowledge whilst driving. Any problems personal message me and I'll help. (I'm an instructor, as if it wasn't already clear ;) )

Sonic :)

Brown, Jon Brow
14th March 2007, 21:04
I failed my theory 1st time :o

I got 35/35 on the multi choice but failed the Hazard Perception becasuse I hadn't done any practice. My driving instructer says the HP is just a game and has little relevence to driving on the road.

14th March 2007, 21:12
True HPT gives little feeling of driving and it doesn't make a blind bit of difference if a pupil has passed it or not. I don;t feel any safer knowing my pupil has passed hpt because out on the open road with all the things going on they still miss blinding obvious hazards, whereas on the game you have just one thing to think about - click - click - click.

Sonic :)

14th March 2007, 22:36
I narrowly avoided doing the HPT, although I've been told it's not that bad.
In the actual theory test, do use the time you have and try not to over-analyse the questions too much. If the answer looks obvious, it probably is.

15th March 2007, 09:56
Most of my 6th year at school was spent swotting up on the theory test book in the common room and it worked - full marks. :D

As has been said, it's common sense. A few of the questions that I can remember (it was 8 years ago!) were so obvious, but you had to think for a second to make sure.

15th March 2007, 11:52
Thanks for the advice guys :)

I've done practice exams on the interweb and only failed once ... and i've done them over and over again, also practiced HP as well.

One thing I have noticed is that the pass threshold on the HPT is much much lower than on the theory test.

I also noticed how obvious the questions are, will it really be that obvious in the test?

Cheers again guys :D

15th March 2007, 14:33
Oh yeah, it will be that obvious. For some of them anyway. I think it's just so that you don't get too cocky and go answering them all in a record time. It makes you think a bit.

Hazell B
15th March 2007, 19:11
I didn't have to do my theory as I'd passed a motorcycle test already before doing the car one, but did do three practice sheets with a workmate to help her out. To be honest, I quite liked the theory test and found it pretty hard to get wrong.

One word though, and it seems obvious but everyone does it .... read the whole question twice before answering. It's shocking how many people did a food safety test with me and answered some question about rats laying eggs wrong :mark: Simple, tiny things appear in these tests sometimes and catch out half the people taking them!

15th March 2007, 19:25
never had to do a theory either as I passed my test way back in 1992, I am getting old

16th March 2007, 00:48
Good luck Madcat :up:

I was fortunate enough to pass all of my tests long before they brought out all the theory stuff, although I can still remember sitting in the car after doing the practical side of the test and dreading answering the questions on the Highway Code.

Just relax and I'm sure you'll be fine.

17th March 2007, 12:04
Cheers Carl :up:

Well, I've done it ..... and I passed :D :D

Was really relieved to have finished it but it went well and it almost got to the stage that I enjoyed it :)

Only got one wrong in the theory and got 50 in the Hazard Perception, really pleased! :D

Dave B
17th March 2007, 12:13
Congratulations :champion: :up:

Glad we could help :p

Captain VXR
17th March 2007, 13:03
congrats :beer:

17th March 2007, 15:14
Well done :)

17th March 2007, 19:10
Well done Madcat!

17th March 2007, 20:25
Cheers :) :up:

17th March 2007, 21:35
sweet! well done

18th March 2007, 00:18
Top stuff Madcat :up:

You'll have to let us know when you start doing the practical side so we can all avoid Warwick :p :

18th March 2007, 09:31

Dont worry, i'll warn you in advance :p :

Brown, Jon Brow
27th March 2007, 12:17
Just passed mine :D

at the second attempt :rolleyes:

got 33/35 on multi choice then 64 on the fecking hazard perception

27th March 2007, 19:58
Well done :D :up:

Brown, Jon Brow
27th March 2007, 20:02
Have you booked your driving test yet Madcat?

I've only had 5 lessons, I think if I nail the parrallel park and reverse around a bend i'll be ready for it. My instructor says my general driving is spot-on :D

28th March 2007, 21:17
I have never done a car theory test, when i passed they wern't required. however i am planning on taking an LGV licence and i must take a Theory test for that, its been 15 years since i took any kind of theory test.

Should be simple enough though, common sense prevails most of the time, or atleast it should.

29th March 2007, 11:41
Congratulations both of you :up:

29th March 2007, 17:39
Have you booked your driving test yet Madcat?

I've only had 5 lessons, I think if I nail the parrallel park and reverse around a bend i'll be ready for it. My instructor says my general driving is spot-on :D

No, i havent booked it yet, although I really should get a move on! My driving instructor gave me a useful tip yesterday which was that I should go on the DSA website, find my area and print off the test routes. ;) Might be handy to get practice in one thinks :p :

Its the only the parking I have a problem with atm, but with a little practice i'll be ready to take my test :D

Hazell B
29th March 2007, 19:33
Well, good luck one and all :up:

29th March 2007, 19:35
Well done guys.

I only got one question wrong on my test. Unfortunately there wasn't a "who bloody cares" option on the question of where amber cats eyes were on a motorway :|

To this day, my sister still reminds me that she got 35/35 when we did it at the same time.

Still, took her twice as many goes to get past her practical test as I do remind her quite often :D

Brown, Jon Brow
29th March 2007, 21:39
To this day, my sister still reminds me that she got 35/35 when we did it at the same time.

I got 35/35 on my 1st theory and failed :confused:

My test is booked for thee end of May, i''l be doing it in my driving instructers car even though I find my car easier to drive.

I nearly had an accident driving tonight, driving down a roadd when a moron pulled out of a juction without looking, I had to brake and swerve to avoid her. :eek: Then when I was in the car park, slowing down to pull right into a bay (a wall on the left so you can't turn left) the same woman overtook me inbetween the parking bay and my car!! :mad: If I hadn't checked my mirror before turning I would have been T-boned on the drivers side. Maybe I should have indicated (even though the only parking bays are on the right side) But surely it is obvious that if you are slowing down in a car park you are going to maneuver :rolleyes:

Hazell B
30th March 2007, 19:32
.... surely it is obvious that if you are slowing down in a car park you are going to maneuver :rolleyes:

Nope, it isn't to some people :p :

To be fair, loads of folk just stop and wait for someone, so sticking on the indicator would have been a good idea. Then if she had hit you at least the insurance would have paid you and not said it was a no fault bump.