View Full Version : Yellow Rose of Texas a song celerbrating a rose or ??

19th October 2010, 09:17
Many have no doubt heard, and even sung the song known as the "yellow Rose of Texas"

Sung in the movie Giant; Frequently played and sung at UT football games
Mitch Miller made it a hit song in the 1950's.
An earlier version was very popular among conferate soldiers in the civil war, wishing they could go visit her



the yellow rose of texas beats the belles of tennessee

She smiled so when i kissed her....

but the yellow rose of texas is the only girl for me

what is really strange about all this??

19th October 2010, 10:42
She's the sweetest rose of colour this darkey ever knew,
Her eyes are bright as diamonds, they sparkle like the dew,
You may talk about your Dearest May, and sing of Rosa Lee,
But the yellow rose of Texas beats the belles of Tennessee.

I always thought that this song was about a lady of some sort, and if she's called yellow, she was probably an interracial lady. She would have led an otherwise difficult life in the pre Civil War days.

Dave B
19th October 2010, 12:05
I always thought that this song was about a lady of some sort, and if she's called yellow, she was probably an interracial lady.
Maybe she had jaundice.

19th October 2010, 12:35
I always thought that this song was about a lady of some sort, and if she's called yellow, she was probably an interracial lady. .

True but that is only a very small part of the story.

One thing ironic is how the word darkey was added in, and thenbecame soldier or I as the southern soldiers fighting to keep slavery in the civil war, adopted the song as one of their favorities, and much later, so has many a redneck adopted the song.

Many many have been fooled into thinking the yellow refers to a white girl with yellowish blond hair

Very much now a song to be sung by school kids and at many social functions.

Little do they know about who they are really kissing... :confused: ...or what she was actually doing to make herself sort of famous... :eek: ...and a long forgotten herorine who never recieved all the credit she was entitled to......

Hint: The original title of the song is "Emily, the Maid of Morgan's Point".

20th October 2010, 13:46
The date was April 21, 1836. Emily was a mixed race indentured servant, who may have done more singlehandedly to win Texas its independence from mexico than anyone else. Described as brillaint, educated and very pretty. After the Alamo fell, Santa Anna was chasing Sam Houston and what was left of the Texas Army all over the area now known as Houston Galveston Beaumont area. In the process he came across two slaves or indentured servants, one of whom was Emily.
That morning Santa Anna noticed her and she started trying to seduce him. He set up camp in a very poor open area, surounded on three sides by swamps and a river over the protests from his officers. In his haste, he posted no guradds or outposts to warn of an attack.

She sent the other slave to tell the Texas army, and Sam Houston approached and then saw the camp and some her activities that made him think the time was at hand.

In the early afternoon, some 800 Texans attacked the 1750 soldiers of Santa Anna, killing some 700, wounding 200 and capturing another 730 in less than some thirty minutes, and losing only 9 killed and 30 wounded.

Santa Anna was caught with his pants down as he was having some good times with Emily, and his army being completely unprepared, was slaughtered. He was later captured and signed a peace treaty that gave texas its independence

Now if Santa Anna had not stopped to do what he did, where he stopped, without posting any guards, all because of her seduction, then sooner or later he would have caught up with the Texas rag time bunch under better circumstances, maybe even the next day, and put an end to the texas rebellion.

She recievied some fame, people started calling her the Yellow Rose of Texas, and singing the song about the Yellow Rose of texas in her honor.
She got her freedom..........

The fame did not last long, as it seemed more glorious to talk about the others fighting some big brave fight as the reason for the victory, then to give credit to some poor black slave girl, for figuring out to send the other slave with the word of where they were and what she was trying to and actually suceeded in doing....having sex at the right moment....No, no, no.

But, in a straight up battle, the 1700 plus mexican army would have overwhelmed the 800 ragged soldiers, mostly volunteers, prettty easy, as the mexican army had done in previous battles.

The other group whose fame did not last long, were the other mexicans who fought for texas with the other Texicans at the Alamo and at San Jacinto, and became ignored.

And then some 25 years later, the song became a big hit with the Confedarate soldiers and then later rednecks everywhere, none of whom realized its origins or what it really meant .......what irony, a bunch of racists worshipping a mulatto

From Texas A &M university, http://www.tamu.edu/ccbn/dewitt/adp/archives/yellowrose/yelrose.html

Now if you want to go wikie, you can, but it is wrong about Emily.....Dr Morgan's records along with others that were written on the day of the battle or a few days later, all document her exploits that are now ignored.

25th October 2010, 23:56
And all this time I thought it refered to a flower atop the cactus plant native to southren texas that possesed hallucinagentic quailiuties when dried and smoked :eek: :s mokin: :rolleyes: .

28th October 2010, 04:20
And all this time I thought it refered to a flower atop the cactus plant native to southren texas that possesed hallucinagentic quailiuties when dried and smoked :eek: :s mokin: :rolleyes: .
that is the yellowpurphaze of texas....one of several secret ingredients to the kool aid special

donKey jote
28th October 2010, 17:10
this famous yellow rose of yours, was she from Amarillo ?

1st November 2010, 04:12
nah, she was a mulatto from Bermuda by way of New York to Galveston, and once she won her freedom, she went back to New York and was lost to the eye of history.

Meanwhile all those Johnny Rebs, and now all the schoolchildren in Texas, even Fausto, Glausteiner and Vpop sing about her beauty and errr....well....."exploits".....with none too wise to know what they be really singing about

Don't be confusing her with where your mother working at that truck stop in Amarillo