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1st October 2010, 05:42
Now or never for Red Bull. Ferrari are on the rise, so if they can't stop Alonso's charge as of now, then they can kiss the WDC goodbye.

1st October 2010, 05:55
Something Red Bull do have over Ferrari is engines. Hence reliability.

We might see this again but with Alonso blowing up instead :vader: :


1st October 2010, 06:46
We'll see. I have read somewhere that Ferrari are the most reliable team... and who knows, the old gremlins of reliability may plague RBR instead of the Scuderia...

Big Ben
1st October 2010, 09:12
Something Red Bull do have over Ferrari is engines. Hence reliability.

We might see this again but with Alonso blowing up instead :vader: :


if anything it´s reliability that RBR has shown a lot of :P

1st October 2010, 10:00
Suzuka should favour Red Bull. Then again, the same was said about Singapore, so who knows?

If Red Bull don't nail Ferrari at Suzuka I think they might be a little worried. Interlagos shoudn't really favour either, Abu Dhabi is similar to Singapore and nobody knows what Korea will be like (or even if the race will be held for that matter).

So I think Red Bull simply have to defeat the Reds at Suzuka to wrestle back the momentum that Ferrari and Alonso have built.

1st October 2010, 10:21
Once again it will come down to qualifying and which engine Ferrari runs in Alonso's F10. He has a couple races worth of engines, so they have the reliability for this race and one more for sure. This should be an RB track, but Fred goes quite well here. Also the F10 is showing to be very versatile. Then there is "The Boss" that needs an improved MP4-25 to stay with the Bulls. The McLarens may be closer in race trim for this track with much less tire degradation disparity as opposed to Singapore. How much closer is the question? Hamilton can turn some frowns upside down if the car is up to the task. He has plenty of engine life to at least not have that issue. Button has a mathematical chance to be tied for the lead after this race. Once again my pick is Vettel for the win. How he chooses to lose it is another "Kettle" of fish. Weather could be a factor.
It could be Webber then Hamilton leading the championship after this race.
At least it should be entertaining Suzuka is the second best track IMO.

Dave B
1st October 2010, 11:12
We'll see. I have read somewhere that Ferrari are the most reliable team...
This keeps cropping up. Ferrari have the best finishing record of 2010 with 99.4% of racing laps completed (ahead of Red Bull on 94.3% and Mercedes on 94.0%).

However that doesn't take into account practice or qualifying sessions. Alonso has used all 8 of his allocated engines, while Massa took the opportunity to use a 9th in Singapore as being at the back of the grid he had nothing to lose by taking a further penalty.

Sauber, with their customer Ferrari engines, are the only other team to have already exceeded their allocation; the car formerly occupied by de la Rosa took its 9th engine Spa.

This all stems from a probem Ferrari identified - and appear to have cured - earlier in the season.

All the data is here: http://www.vivaf1.com/engine.php

1st October 2010, 15:55
I am already counting the days to Japan.
Im hoping it should be a classic and epic battle.

1st October 2010, 16:10
We'll see. I have read somewhere that Ferrari are the most reliable team... and who knows, the old gremlins of reliability may plague RBR instead of the Scuderia...

Sure sure.

1st October 2010, 19:53
It's Alonso's turn to get driven into by Lewis Hamilton this time. Or driven into by Vettel. Either way, it's Alonso's turn! :D

Hamilton into Massa - check
Hamilton into Webber - check

Vettel into Webber - check
Vettel into Button - check

somebody into Alonso - overdue! ;)

1st October 2010, 20:29
And reading that both Hamilton and Vettel will take "more aggressive" approaches henceforth bodes well for that! ;)

1st October 2010, 22:07
Your forgetting one thing:
:s ailor: This guy Fred, he is a rather clever fellow! :dozey:

2nd October 2010, 10:53
I'm looking forward to my early morning call to watch the race. There's something I really enjoy bout getting up early to watch a race whilst the rest of the house sleeps on.

Dave B
2nd October 2010, 14:30
To practice or not to practice, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to get up at stupid o'clock or stay in bed to sleep perchance to dream. :p

2nd October 2010, 14:33
To practice or not to practice, that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to get up at stupid o'clock or stay in bed to sleep perchance to dream. :p

Wow. Hi culture on MSF! :eek:

2nd October 2010, 18:09
Suzuka with its fast and flowing corners is like specifically built for Red Bulls. It is clearly their strongest circuit out of the four remaining ones and they definitely need a win and even better a 1-2 to stop Alonso's glorious march at the end of the season. Not impossible that like at Barcelona and Hungary, RBR could trash the rest of the field by a full second in qualifying again. Unless the FIA's movable wing tests have slowed them down somehow...

It is an interesting note that Alonso is tight on engines, but who knows, it may still work out well for him. As we remember, at the end of 2009 there was a lot of talk about Red Bull running out of engines, but somehow they managed to finish the season fine without grid penalties.

Also among the four remaining races Suzuka is probably the worst one for Ferrari. They are not really that remarkable on circuits with high aero dependency (like Istanbul, Spa). McLaren may be faster than Ferrari as well. So this is going to be a damage limitation race for Alonso and if he manages to finish on the podium, he will be positioned well for the final races.

2nd October 2010, 18:15
It is an interesting note that Alonso is tight on engines, but who knows, it may still work out well for him. As we remember, at the end of 2009 there was a lot of talk about Red Bull running out of engines, but somehow they managed to finish the season fine without grid penalties.

With 5 races to go Alonso is on his last engines and Felipe already used his 9th engine. How does that compare to Red Bull's situation last years? Very badly.

Alonso will either use a 9th engine at least, or face running lower revs and using less power for at least 3 of the remaining races.

2nd October 2010, 18:17
Suzuka with its fast and flowing corners is like specifically built for Red Bulls. It is clearly their strongest circuit out of the four remaining ones and they definitely need a win and even better a 1-2 to stop Alonso's glorious march at the end of the season. Not impossible that like at Barcelona and Hungary, RBR could trash the rest of the field by a full second in qualifying again. Unless the FIA's movable wing tests have slowed them down somehow...

It is no secret that increasing the testing weight from 100 kgs to 500 kgs did handicap RedBull more than Ferrari, however Newey will not sit and watch without searching for a way to claw back those couple of tenths they have lost.

3rd October 2010, 03:52
Something Red Bull do have over Ferrari is engines. Hence reliability.

We might see this again but with Alonso blowing up instead :vader: :


After Ferrari and McLaren I think now it's RB time to suffer a little. Besides since the FIA toughened the controls on the RB wings they suddenly seem to have lost some steam. Coincidence? I hope so.

3rd October 2010, 03:56
This keeps cropping up. Ferrari have the best finishing record of 2010 with 99.4% of racing laps completed (ahead of Red Bull on 94.3% and Mercedes on 94.0%).

However that doesn't take into account practice or qualifying sessions. Alonso has used all 8 of his allocated engines, while Massa took the opportunity to use a 9th in Singapore as being at the back of the grid he had nothing to lose by taking a further penalty.

Sauber, with their customer Ferrari engines, are the only other team to have already exceeded their allocation; the car formerly occupied by de la Rosa took its 9th engine Spa.

This all stems from a probem Ferrari identified - and appear to have cured - earlier in the season.

All the data is here: http://www.vivaf1.com/engine.php

And all that means that Ferrari's engines are crap, as someone is insinuating?

3rd October 2010, 03:57
It's Alonso's turn to get driven into by Lewis Hamilton this time. Or driven into by Vettel. Either way, it's Alonso's turn! :D

Hamilton into Massa - check
Hamilton into Webber - check

Vettel into Webber - check
Vettel into Button - check

somebody into Alonso - overdue! ;)

Alonso has already his huge share of bad luck.

3rd October 2010, 04:03
It is an interesting note that Alonso is tight on engines, but who knows, it may still work out well for him. As we remember, at the end of 2009 there was a lot of talk about Red Bull running out of engines, but somehow they managed to finish the season fine without grid penalties.

I love to see how many people in quite few posts are hoping that the last resort to stop Ferrari is not on the track but on mechanical failures or on crashes. What wouold be next? Throwing tires at them? How sad.

3rd October 2010, 04:05
It is no secret that increasing the testing weight from 100 kgs to 500 kgs did handicap RedBull more than Ferrari, however Newey will not sit and watch without searching for a way to claw back those couple of tenths they have lost.

Sure. He can redesign a car in no time.

3rd October 2010, 07:17
Are you guys crazy - It is going to rain and the all time rainmeister is going to bolt to the front and win with ease. Yes Schumi will simply overwhelm this field of fair weather drivers :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

3rd October 2010, 08:28
Are you guys crazy - It is going to rain and the all time rainmeister is going to bolt to the front and win with ease. Yes Schumi will simply overwhelm this field of fair weather drivers :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

For a moment I thought you might be talking about a guitar playing Canadian called JV however I realized that he's got no ride. :p

Garry Walker
5th October 2010, 06:53
Hopefully Alonso will put it to the wall at 130R :up:

5th October 2010, 07:00
Recently spotted at Suzuka:



Garry Walker
5th October 2010, 07:01
Recently spotted at Suzuka:



What is montoya doing at Suzuka?

5th October 2010, 21:51
Finally I get to watch a race at a humane hour!
I just realized that all race events this week will start between 8:00 pm and 11:00pm PDT.
In your face Euro's :p : ;)

Neil J
6th October 2010, 20:26
Finally I get to watch a race at a humane hour!
I just realized that all race events this week will start between 8:00 pm and 11:00pm PDT.
In your face Euro's :p : ;)

No worries, I`m always up early. But surely at 8 - 11 pm you should be out on the town ;) :)

donKey jote
6th October 2010, 20:50
Hopefully Alonso will put it to the wall at 130R :up:


6th October 2010, 23:01
No worries, I`m always up early. But surely at 8 - 11 pm you should be out on the town :)

Guy's my age went out on the town! :rolleyes: :( :D
With a nap I still do and find myself staying out untill 9:00 :confused:

Dave B
7th October 2010, 09:18
Hopefully Alonso will put it to the wall at 130R :up:
That kind of post worries me.

I can't stand Alonso and few things would make me happier than him retiring from the race. But to wish any driver to have a crash, let alone at such a corner, well that's just not right.

7th October 2010, 09:30
Guy's my age went out on the town! :rolleyes: :( :D
With a nap I still do and find myself staying out untill 9:00 :confused:

Oh, I stay out much later than that......

....but only because I can never find my way home.....!!!! :P

7th October 2010, 09:44
Interesting to read that Rubens thinks the safety of the Suzuka circuit could use some improvements to bring it up to the current standards (Link (http://www.autosport.com/news/report.php/id/87225)) but Kubica's view struck a chord:
"For sure safety is not the highest standard in Suzuka, but that's how it is. You have to take this in mind and make sure you stay on the track."

I was listening to the latest MotorSport podcast (http://www.motorsportmagazine.co.uk/category/audio-podcasts/) on the way into work this morning (well worth a listen!). The discussion (with the likes of Richard Attwood and Jochen Mass) covered safety on circuits like Spa in the 1960's and the consequences of hitting a tree. Emanuelle Pirro was one of the guests, and it turns out he was in the stewards room at Monza learning the ropes for when he is due to be the driver-steward later this year and his view was that there are insufficient penalties for going off-track. The Hulkenberg/Webber battle was mentioned as an example.

It's interesting that drivers who raced in a far more dangerous era see today's F1 as being almost too safe; not in terms of wanting to see drivers injured of course, but in terms of errors (poor driving) going unpunished simply because tarmac run-off offers an escape route.

Robert Kubica would probably have enjoyed the discussion :)

Retro Formula 1
7th October 2010, 10:47
Totally agree Dave. It's demoralising to see poor driving rewarded suck as Hulk keeping places that he should have lost way before he did. It's very poor :down:

Big Ben
7th October 2010, 14:39
It's Alonso's turn to get driven into by Lewis Hamilton this time. Or driven into by Vettel. Either way, it's Alonso's turn! :D

Hamilton into Massa - check
Hamilton into Webber - check

Vettel into Webber - check
Vettel into Button - check

somebody into Alonso - overdue! ;)

RB into Alonso.... wasn't that good enough? or it has to ends his race? :p :

Big Ben
7th October 2010, 14:45
That kind of post worries me.

I can't stand Alonso and few things would make me happier than him retiring from the race. But to wish any driver to have a crash, let alone at such a corner, well that's just not right.

It's that corner because there he made MS look like a fool in 2005... :laugh: . Perhaps Garry's favorite driver could give a hand... there isn't much else he could do to satify him these days anyway

Big Ben
7th October 2010, 14:46
What is montoya doing at Suzuka?

Isn't it obvious? He's playing tennis.

I am evil Homer
7th October 2010, 14:54
Totally agree Dave. It's demoralising to see poor driving rewarded suck as Hulk keeping places that he should have lost way before he did. It's very poor :down:

Simple solution...less "astro turf" and "run off tarmac"...more gravel traps. This isn't meant to be a computer game where you get a second chance, if you mess up you're out.,

7th October 2010, 15:08
Simple solution...less "astro turf" and "run off tarmac"...more gravel traps. This isn't meant to be a computer game where you get a second chance, if you mess up you're out.,

Good point.
Being the cynic that I am, I wonder if there isn't a concerted effort (led by BE) to keep more cars in the race for corporate exposure. The cameras will focus on a car retiring but that is just for a few seconds.
Conspiracy theory #1,000,001 :p

7th October 2010, 16:12
RB into Alonso.... wasn't that good enough? or it has to ends his race? :p :
Yes, it has to end his race! And ideally that of Hamilton, as well! :D

7th October 2010, 23:11
take 'em
a lot of sharks in LA

7th October 2010, 23:39
SWhere is all the grease?

8th October 2010, 02:30
Practice Yea babe :s mokin:

8th October 2010, 02:41
Oh my!!!
The Boss broke the front end. another suspension failiar. :confused:

Retro Formula 1
8th October 2010, 12:07
Looks ominous. The only hope for a non Red Bull 1-2 is weather, mechanical failure or if they take each other off.

Failing that, they will romp it.

8th October 2010, 14:03
They should be doing sub 1.29's in quali trim on a rubbered in track so I don't think these times would mean much in a dry quali
I think Webber did a 129.5 in quali 2 last year. Practice 3 should be a little closer, except for the rain. :confused:

8th October 2010, 14:04
I have to say the Degner Curves are arguably the best in F1 - fast, challenging, and punishing.

8th October 2010, 14:10

You may be right, but it's the lack of run off that makes it so. There are similar sections of race track elsewhere in the circus but with acres of run off are tame in comparison.

8th October 2010, 14:18

You may be right, but it's the lack of run off that makes it so. There are similar sections of race track elsewhere in the circus but with acres of run off are tame in comparison.

I think it is challenging to get a few corners right in F1 without running off the circuit, but I added punishing in my description as there isn't many corners in the calendar that tick that last box, unfortunately. So glad it's on the calendar instead of Fuji.

Can't wait for this race.

8th October 2010, 14:18
Shades of Mansell/1987.

I think LH has lost the title now. I'd be impressed if he's on the first couple of rows tomorrow. Though I still can't help wondering who/what Webber will crash into next.

I am evil Homer
8th October 2010, 15:26
Hardly a surprise he's in the third best car (6th best if you count the actual # of cars) so he's pushing like hell.

8th October 2010, 15:51
Though I still can't help wondering who/what Webber will crash into next.

Probably into Alonso.

8th October 2010, 16:20
Hardly a surprise he's in the third best car (6th best if you count the actual # of cars) so he's pushing like hell.

Not to mention 2 DNFs on tracks where he should've beaten Webber at the very least.

Mia 01
8th October 2010, 18:50
So far so good, Seb is superior.

Hamlon is trying so hard, no self confidence, and no belife in the car, overdrive as usual, not a top three driver anymoore.

Santa boy, well he is off the pace, lets see what he can do tomorrow.

8th October 2010, 19:20

Looks like serious rain tomorrow, could disrupt qualifying. I'll be up at 6am to watch regardless :)

8th October 2010, 20:04

Looks like serious rain tomorrow, could disrupt qualifying. I'll be up at 6am to watch regardless :)

Excellent. It's '94 again. :D

8th October 2010, 20:16

Looks like serious rain tomorrow, could disrupt qualifying. I'll be up at 6am to watch regardless :)

Let's hope they do not go into nanny state and move qualy to Sunday morning.

8th October 2010, 23:49
I think it is challenging to get a few corners right in F1 without running off the circuit, but I added punishing in my description as there isn't many corners in the calendar that tick that last box, unfortunately. So glad it's on the calendar instead of Fuji.

Can't wait for this race.Totally Word! :up: :dozey:
Fuji is a scary movie because its always about to be pouring. Niki was right for once :)

9th October 2010, 00:06
Shades of Mansell/1987.

I think LH has lost the title now. I'd be impressed if he's on the first couple of rows tomorrow. Though I still can't help wondering who/what Webber will crash into next. Well the Boss is just trippin'.
Vettels immaturity is worse than the boss's right now. Look for Webber being challenged again for position and let's all watch for the chop. I see Massa engaging the Australian for Fred, That's right team unity at Ferrari , be that as it may.. I think he gives up more than Vettel to Fred and the Boss, and Felipe will be racing him in Japan.
Nice tired out engine weather.
Can't freakin' wait

:look: :roll: :bigcry: :love: ... :bones:

9th October 2010, 05:51
Uh oh....postponed?

9th October 2010, 06:02

We ain't gonna have no quali.

9th October 2010, 06:15
What ya awl boys doing?

9th October 2010, 06:16

donKey jote
9th October 2010, 06:18
oh well back to bed :p

9th October 2010, 06:53
All mind games now. Alonso will have the edge tomorrow, many will choke.

Dave B
9th October 2010, 06:59
Well, that was worth getting up for :\

9th October 2010, 07:14
Postponed til Sunday now.

Dave B
9th October 2010, 07:17
Yup, guess I'll be either getting up stupidly early or staying up stupidly late tonight :s

Hey ho, at least the boats were entertaining :)

Dave B
9th October 2010, 07:19
"Safety Car" trending on Twitter, along with "Brundle" and "Buemi" :D

9th October 2010, 07:33
10am local time, 2am in the UK. Might give that one a miss!

9th October 2010, 07:36
Bah, almost every GP is 2am-ish for me.

9th October 2010, 07:41
I'm just glad I'm not at the circuit. I have clear memories of standing in a huge line waiting for a bus from the circuit to the train station on the Friday of the 2004 race when the typhoon reached its peak, causing quali that year to be moved to the Sunday (despite the Saturday turning out sunny). We were all squatting on the ground with out umbrellas like little domes over us, just trying to get to the bus before getting too wet. Ah, the memories... :)

Dave B
9th October 2010, 08:10
For those in the UK:

Qualifying at 10am local time Sunday with BBC coverage starting at 1.50am BST. Race coverage as before - from 0600, with race at 0700

9th October 2010, 08:13
A shame about that, but the right decision.

I think a few more cars could have run in FP3 earlier in the day (not that they had any need too) but by the time Quali arrived it was a lake.

Did anyone see what Seb Vettel was up to, every couple of minutes the camera showed him doing something to entertain his engineers.

I was hearing that potentially the Grid could be decided if need be by the order in which the cars leave the pitlane in Quali if its then to wet to set a time.

Given that I think Sakon may as well push his car to the end of the pitlane now and sit and wait for Quali. Then when the green light comes on its Pole Position at his home race. (What a Plan) ;) :p

9th October 2010, 08:27
I was hearing that potentially the Grid could be decided if need be by the order in which the cars leave the pitlane in Quali if its then to wet to set a time.

It's my understanding that if qualfiying cannot be done, then the starting grid will be determined by numerical order.

Valve Bounce
9th October 2010, 08:31
Does anyone have a link to decent radar weather maps for Suzuka please! I tried google but to no avail.

Valve Bounce
9th October 2010, 08:32
It's my understanding that if qualfiying cannot be done, then the starting grid will be determined by numerical order.

There is a strong rumour that Bernie wants the grid order to be decided by Alphabetical order. :p :

Dave B
9th October 2010, 08:39
Does anyone have a link to decent radar weather maps for Suzuka please! I tried google but to no avail.
Try this:

Or this 6 hour forecast:

If you're on Twitter try following @radarguruf1 and the BBC's Ian Fergusson ( @fergieweather ) who also has an excellent blog (http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/weather/ianfergusson/).

9th October 2010, 08:44
It's my understanding that if qualfiying cannot be done, then the starting grid will be determined by numerical order.

Looks like it:

b) If more than one driver fails to set a time during Q1, Q2 or Q3 they will be arranged in the following
order :
i) any driver who attempted to set a qualifying time by starting a flying lap ;
ii) any driver who failed to start a flying lap ;
iii) any driver who failed to leave the pits during the period.
c) Once the grid has been established in accordance with a) and b) above, grid position penalties will be
applied to the drivers in question in the order the offences were committed. If more than one driver
incurs a penalty under Article 28.4a) or Article 28.6a) preference will be given to the driver whose
team first informed the technical delegate that an engine or gearbox change will be carried out.

d) Any driver who incurs a penalty under Article 28.4(a) will take precedence over any driver whose
qualifying times have been deleted for any reason.

If more than one driver falls into a single category in b) or d) above they will be arranged on the grid in
numerical order.http://argent.fia.com/web/fia-public.nsf/65EE8F15945D0941C12576C7005308AE/$FILE/1-2010%20SPORTING%20REGULATIONS%2023-06-2010.pdf

Dave B
9th October 2010, 08:47
Don't forget that even if qually starts and is abandoned after just a few minutes, even drivers who started a flying lap are ranked. So if it's wet expect a massive queue at the end of the pitlane - Martin Whitmarsh was saying that the McLarens could sit there for up to five minutes if necessary.

Valve Bounce
9th October 2010, 08:50
Try this:

Or this 6 hour forecast:

If you're on Twitter try following @radarguruf1 and the BBC's Ian Fergusson ( @fergieweather ) who also has an excellent blog (http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/weather/ianfergusson/).

Many thanks. This will give me some idea tomorrow before quals. &/or race.

Valve Bounce
9th October 2010, 08:51
Don't forget that even if qually starts and is abandoned after just a few minutes, even drivers who started a flying lap are ranked. So if it's wet expect a massive queue at the end of the pitlane - Martin Whitmarsh was saying that the McLarens could sit there for up to five minutes if necessary.

My mates and I queued up for three days for Grand Final seats.

Big Ben
9th October 2010, 09:06
I blame Ioan. He jinxed it :p :

Valve Bounce
9th October 2010, 09:08
I blame Ioan. He jinxed it :p :


9th October 2010, 09:09
Tomorrow is definitely my motorsport day of the year. :D

Bathurst 1000
Japanese GP qualifying
Japanese GP race
Malaysian MotoGP race


Hopefully OneHD will cover F1 qualifying tomorrow. :up:

Big Ben
9th October 2010, 09:11
Don't forget that even if qually starts and is abandoned after just a few minutes, even drivers who started a flying lap are ranked. So if it's wet expect a massive queue at the end of the pitlane - Martin Whitmarsh was saying that the McLarens could sit there for up to five minutes if necessary.

They could send some grandpa to queue now so that they have a good place tomorrow... oh this brings up so many good memories... those blessed comunist days when one would queue at any queue without even being sure what they were going to sale

Dave B
9th October 2010, 09:15
Tomorrow is definitely my motorsport day of the year. :D

Bathurst 1000
Japanese GP qualifying
Japanese GP race
Malaysian MotoGP race


Hopefully OneHD will cover F1 qualifying tomorrow. :up:
And, in the UK at least, the finale of the BTCC :)

9th October 2010, 09:39
Determining the grid by numerical order is pathetic. McLaren have no business being on the front row, nor do Mercedes on row 2.

If they can't qualify they should take each driver's fastest practice time and use that to determine the grid.

What happens if they can't race? Do they start and complete the race under the safety car thereby handing Button the win simply because he's got number 1 on his car and therefore started on pole?

9th October 2010, 09:46
Determining the grid by numerical order is pathetic. McLaren have no business being on the front row, nor to Mercedes on row 2.

If they can't qualify they should take each driver's fastest practice time and use that to determine the grid.

What happens if they can't race? Do they start and complete the race under the safety car thereby handing Button the win simply because he's got number 1 on his car and therefore started on pole?Easy Hawk-Man

If they start in that order behind the S.C. The Boss, Vettel, and the Choppers will take the first three rows out! :dozey: :)

9th October 2010, 10:07
Uh oh....postponed?

I knew it. ;)

Let's hope they do not go into nanny state and move qualy to Sunday morning.

9th October 2010, 10:08

Let's hope they do not go into nanny state and move qualy to Sunday morning.


9th October 2010, 10:13
They could send some grandpa to queue now so that they have a good place tomorrow... oh this brings up so many good memories... those blessed comunist days when one would queue at any queue without even being sure what they were going to sale


9th October 2010, 10:13
And, in the UK at least, the finale of the BTCC :)
AND the British superbikes finale!

Happy days

Dr. Krogshöj
9th October 2010, 11:51
Fact #1: It's raining so hard that qualifying cannot take place.
Fact #2: The rain will get harder.
Charlie Whiting's conclusion: Let's spend 90 minutes of everyone's time, send out the Safety Car every now and then and get the most loyal fans soaked even though there is no hope qualifying can happen this afternoon.

Dave B
9th October 2010, 11:58
This will cheer some people up :p

Lewis Hamilton's weekend just got worse. Confirmed news that he has a 5 place grid drop for new gearbox

9th October 2010, 12:00
Hamilton has a 5-place gearbox penalty. From BBC.

If he doesn't collect/get collected early on then we should see some entertainment.

Latest predictions are for a wet qualifying and dry race. But we shall see:

9th October 2010, 12:12
So raining or wet track at least for Quali, and clear skys for the race.

It does take a while to dry at Suzuka I think so still a chance of a horrid damp track at the start of the race.

Big Ben
9th October 2010, 12:36
This will cheer some people up :p

Yeah... now everyone should really watch their backs :laugh:

donKey jote
9th October 2010, 13:21
There is a strong rumour that Bernie wants the grid order to be decided by Alphabetical order. :p :

yay go Jaime ! :p

9th October 2010, 13:56
This will cheer some people up :p

Not sure that Legard is right.
There is no penalty for changing the gearbox in FP1 or 2.

Edit: So they changed it after P3 only. Stupid McLaren! :down:

9th October 2010, 14:12
they say they only noticed the problem in P3 and thought it was ok, but it got worse when they fired up for Qually. The postponed qually might actually save them, as if they'd had the failure in the session today they would not have had time to change and for Lewis to qualify and he could have been left in Q3, so despite the 5 place drop that could actually be the better scenario

9th October 2010, 15:13
they say they only noticed the problem in P3 and thought it was ok, but it got worse when they fired up for Qually. The postponed qually might actually save them, as if they'd had the failure in the session today they would not have had time to change and for Lewis to qualify and he could have been left in Q3, so despite the 5 place drop that could actually be the better scenario

Yeah, that's what they say, however Legard already mentioned it yesterday that McLaren were considering to change Lewis' gear box.
Very strange that he knew about the change before McLaren, or at least that's what they claim.

9th October 2010, 15:40
Not sure that Legard is right.
There is no penalty for changing the gearbox in FP1 or 2.

Edit: So they changed it after P3 only. Stupid McLaren! :down:
That's not true unless this was a new gearbox for Japan. If the faulty gearbox was the one he raced in Singapore, then he would have incurred a penalty the moment he started P3 or later with a new box.

The rule says:

28.6 For the purposes of this Article only, an Event will be deemed to comprise P3, the qualifying practice session and the race.
a) Each driver may use no more than one gearbox for four consecutive Events in which his team competes. Should a driver use a replacement gearbox he will drop five places on the starting grid at that Event and an additional five places each time a further gearbox is used.
That is, they could drop in another box for P1 and P2 to save wear & tear, but they would then have to go back to the Singapore box for P3.

[Again, unless they ended a four-race sequence in Singapore]

9th October 2010, 16:03
Oh dear. I think i skip qualy otherwise i will be sleepwalking instead of daydreaming on sunday. Net to mention jet lagged on monday.

9th October 2010, 16:27
Bad news for The Boss he needs to:
a)nail quali!
b) just pull a Webber and inherit about 10 places due to a very likely safety car ;)


“In P3 today, we noticed abnormal gearbox oil pressure on Lewis's car, which we believed we had corrected ahead of this afternoon's qualifying session,” explained a McLaren spokesperson.

“This afternoon, as we fired up Lewis's car several times in preparation for qualifying, we became aware that the symptoms were worse than we'd originally diagnosed, and a decision was later taken to change the gearbox ahead of tomorrow's qualifying session and the Grand Prix.

“As a result, Lewis will receive a five-place grid penalty for tomorrow's race.”

9th October 2010, 20:11
I have played Football today and feel knackered. :s nore:

So rather than a early night and sleep a normal night until the race, I have to get up at 2? or what ever the time is go back to bed then up again at 6. :eek:

Its thrown my schedule completley out. :dozey: :p :

Valve Bounce
10th October 2010, 01:31
OK! now I am looking at the weather map (see top ofprevious page of this thread) and I have to work out whether the rain has moved away from Suzuka. Can anyone please help out here; thanks!

10th October 2010, 02:17
I am looking at an animated weather map right now and it looks like the storm has now moved east of Suzuka.


(For refererence, Suzuka is due east of Osaka)

10th October 2010, 02:58
good qualy for LH shame on the 5 place grid penalty.

Really extracting more out of that car than is possible.

RBR's in a different class. That firs sector is where they have the clear advantage.

Button looks like he came with some purpose.

Should be a good race, which is only 4 hours away!!!

Valve Bounce
10th October 2010, 03:07
I think that if Mark starts well, then he is in with a chance. But if Alonso jumps him for whatever reason, then his championship hopes may be in trouble.

Wouldn't it be funny if Vettel let's Mark get ahead at some stage - this board would be screaming "team orders" murder. :eek:

10th October 2010, 03:27
I think that if Mark starts well, then he is in with a chance. But if Alonso jumps him for whatever reason, then his championship hopes may be in trouble.

Wouldn't it be funny if Vettel let's Mark get ahead at some stage - this board would be screaming "team orders" murder. :eek: Red Bull management would be STUPID not the discuss the issue with both drivers. Horner needs to make sure there isn't a Turkey Part II in the making. I really think that Vettel should step aside and let Mark take a commanding lead in the WDC. Hell, Vettel should do one better and crush Alonso's front wing. :D

10th October 2010, 03:46
good qualy for LH shame on the 5 place grid penalty.

Really extracting more out of that car than is possible.

RBR's in a different class. That firs sector is where they have the clear advantage.

Button looks like he came with some purpose.

Should be a good race, which is only 4 hours away!!!

Hum....I find it a little fishy. Too much difference with JB. I bet you he is light on gas which in case of SC would work beautifully for him or something like that . I think the guy is desperate and at this point has nothing to lose really.

Valve Bounce
10th October 2010, 04:20
Red Bull management would be STUPID not the discuss the issue with both drivers. Horner needs to make sure there isn't a Turkey Part II in the making. I really think that Vettel should step aside and let Mark take a commanding lead in the WDC. Hell, Vettel should do one better and crush Alonso's front wing. :D

Alonso is in P4 and Webber in P2 with Kube Man in P3. That should make for an exciting start. With all that rain, I just wonder if there is a faster line off the grid.

10th October 2010, 04:31
Webber had nothing on Seb this weekend. Very surprised he qualified within 1/10th of a second of him. Lot at stake, watch for Turkish GP part 2.

JB is the only frontrunner starting on hard tyres. Will see how that works. Last time that was tried by a frontrunner was by Red Bulls in Canada and that didn't work.

So stoked that the race is only in a few hours on a lazy Sunday afternoon here. :D

10th October 2010, 04:46
Hum....I find it a little fishy. Too much difference with JB. I bet you he is light on gas which in case of SC would work beautifully for him or something like that . I think the guy is desperate and at this point has nothing to lose really.

Light on fuel? No way. The rigs this year take an eternity to fill up.

Easy Drifter
10th October 2010, 04:59
No refueling this year.
Would require very long safety car periods to work or he will have to just putter around for a good part of the race.

10th October 2010, 06:48
10-12 laps for the options according to Prawn.

10th October 2010, 07:05
Kubica out, Massa out :(

This sucks.

10th October 2010, 07:06
Crap, I hoped Kubica stays.

Renault lost a wheel again!

10th October 2010, 07:07
How the hell do you lose a wheel?

10th October 2010, 07:08
WTF, how long before the SC is called in?!
Wake up Charlie, it's been already 2 laps since the track has been cleared and we get another SC lap.

10th October 2010, 07:09
How the hell do you lose a wheel?

Renault knows best how to engineer the loss of a wheel.

10th October 2010, 07:10
Seriously? One more SC lap?

10th October 2010, 07:11
Seriously? One more SC lap?

Yep, thanks to Charlie the biggest id!ot in F1, he somehow thinks that we wake up very early on Sundays to watch the SC go around. :s

10th October 2010, 07:12
Seriously? One more SC lap?

You'll never be happy if you hurry though life.

10th October 2010, 07:15
Button made a mistake in turn 1. He was clear ahead of Alonso off the start but didn't make the apex and let Alonso back through. Maybe he thought Alonso was still alongside him.

10th October 2010, 07:19
Nice move by Massa at the start. :rolleyes:

10th October 2010, 07:22
Yamamoto 15th ahead of Trulli! :D

10th October 2010, 07:23
Nice move by Massa at the start. :rolleyes:

Yep, pretty stupid, all he needed to do was lift a lil' bit and to stay behind Rosberg.

10th October 2010, 07:32
Kobayashi doing the overtaking show! :up:

10th October 2010, 07:34
Yamamoto still doing good. He's racing competitively ahead of Glock.
Where's Senna?!

10th October 2010, 07:36
Yatta! Nice move by Ko-wasabi/Kobaybashi (what will Martin Brundle call him next? :D )

10th October 2010, 07:47
"Michael, there's no team orders but purple monkey dishwasher."

10th October 2010, 07:54
Why is Button persisting in his slow hard tires stint?!
He's losing 1 second per lap right now.

10th October 2010, 07:56
Why is Button persisting in his slow hard tires stint?!
He's losing 1 second per lap right now.

Button won't last 20 laps on options.

The SC screwed up his strategy. He will want to do about 5 (38ish) more laps me thinks?

10th October 2010, 08:01
Lewis gona eat Alonso alive.

10th October 2010, 08:02
Button won't last 20 laps on options.

The SC screwed up his strategy. He will want to do about 5 (38ish) more laps me thinks?

Others did last 20+ laps on options after the SC was in.

10th October 2010, 08:06
Kobayashi was 9th when the pitstops started now he is 12th. Staying out on hards didn't help.

10th October 2010, 08:06
Lost third gear?

10th October 2010, 08:06
Hamilton lost 3rd gear with his new gearbox.
Crappy quality management at McLaren. :down:

10th October 2010, 08:06
Lewis has lost 3rd gear, so if you see it anywhere, be cool and speak up.

10th October 2010, 08:12
Lewis has lost 3rd gear, so if you see it anywhere, be cool and speak up.

They probably gave it to Button, who's driving 2 seconds per lap slower now! ;)

10th October 2010, 08:14
Alguersuari is a bit of an idiot, what was he expecting Kobayashi to do, leave the track?!
Sutil spraying some oil on his followers, nice tactics there Adrian!

10th October 2010, 08:15
Safety car time?

Or not.

10th October 2010, 08:15
I like Kobayashi. :D

10th October 2010, 08:18
Button setting the track on fire, a rather useless exercise at this moment.

10th October 2010, 08:18
I like Kobayashi. :D

My words exactly!

Kinda reminds me of JPM.

10th October 2010, 08:18
Safety car time?

Or not.

What for? If Charlie decides to bring it out now we would have a race that ends with it.

Edit: Looks like Rosberg might convince him though.

10th October 2010, 08:19
Koba will try to get Rubens to now! :D

Next is Nick.

10th October 2010, 08:21
Rossberg Noooooo!

I am so damn tired.

10th October 2010, 08:21
What for? If Charlie decides to bring it out now we would have a race that ends with it.

Last thing I saw was Sutil spun out on the road. :(

10th October 2010, 08:23
So, Kobayashi for driver of the race? 5 places gained in 10 laps, with 3 overtaking moves!

10th October 2010, 08:23
I really like Kobayashi. :D

10th October 2010, 08:23
Last thing I saw was Sutil spun out on the road. :(

Impossible he retired into the pits with a broken engine.

10th October 2010, 08:26
Calm down Seb, you don't need the fastest lap, the win is enough.

PS: Looks like Webber wanted to spoil the hattrick.

Well done Seb, you're back in the championship now! :up:

10th October 2010, 08:28
Vettel wins the race. Not bad for a #1 driver.

10th October 2010, 08:30
Funny Vettel, he's gonna celebrate tonight!

10th October 2010, 08:34
Had a bet on Vettel to get pole, win and fastest lap. Webber pips him to the latter on the final lap. :'(

10th October 2010, 08:35
A few good drives today. Hamilton until his gearbox packed it in, Schumacher with his best drive of the season and Kobayashi for the most entertaining drive of the race.

10th October 2010, 08:39
Webber asked Alonso what/why is that black band on his arm. Alonso didn't know. Apparently that was for the Italian soldiers that died in Afganistan.


10th October 2010, 08:41
It's a good thing that I don't have neighbors. 3:30 in the morning and I'm dancing around the living room chanting, Kamui! Kamui! Kamui Kobayashi!!! :bounce:

A few bonehead moves by a couple of drivers and Hamilton is completely snakebit. But as usual, Suzuka provided another good one. :up:

Kamui! Kamui! Kamui Kobayashi!!! Kamui! Kamui! Kamui Kobayashi!!! :bounce:

10th October 2010, 08:41
Webber asked Alonso what/why is that black band on his arm. Alonso didn't know. Apparently that was for the Italian soldiers that died in Afganistan.

Was going to ask about that one. Funny he doesn't know why he wears it!

10th October 2010, 08:42
Was going to ask about that one. Funny he doesn't know why he wears it!

You would think/hope somebody told Alonso about it.

10th October 2010, 08:46
You would think/hope somebody told Alonso about it.

When it comes to Ferrari nothing surprises me anymore.

10th October 2010, 08:51
Well done to Sebastian Vettel for a fine victory, he was the class of the field all weekend. Mark Webber increases his lead to 14 points but can't relax.
McLaren steadily dropping out of the championship battle now, they don't have the pace to challenge Red Bull or Alonso.
Kamui Kobayashi providing the majority of the excitement in the race, 5 overtaking moves, it was good fun watching him.
Congratulations to Lotus for pretty much securing 10th place in the Constructors' Championship, they deserve it.

10th October 2010, 08:51
Why does Schumacher always lose places after pitstop? Good thing he was faster that Rosberg, even when he was unable to past him. Nice that he at least has the speed.

10th October 2010, 08:58
Why does Schumacher always lose places after pitstop?

It's down to his engineer not being able to calculate how much of a gap he needs and how much the pit stop takes, elementary arithmetic. :s

10th October 2010, 09:27
It's down to his engineer not being able to calculate how much of a gap he needs and how much the pit stop takes, elementary arithmetic. :s

As last year, Shovlin is inferior to Clear. But I am very happy that Michael passed Barrichello.

10th October 2010, 11:14
When it comes to Ferrari nothing surprises me anymore.

And how do you know that maybe Ferrari did tell him but Alonso was too concentrate on the race to remeber that at that moment ? You really don't miss a chance to criticise them no matter what. Funny you didn't do that in all the years Ms was there...

10th October 2010, 11:45
And how do you know that maybe Ferrari did tell him but Alonso was too concentrate on the race to remeber that at that moment ? You really don't miss a chance to criticise them no matter what. Funny you didn't do that in all the years Ms was there...

They certainly gave him that black band when he was concentrated on the race, and also explained it to him when he was concentrated on the race, it must have been like this because you were there and saw/heard it.

It would be impossible that mister '6 tenths' perfection, simply forgot or didn't care about the dead Italian soldiers, isn't it? :rolleyes:

10th October 2010, 11:55
Yes I was there..pitty I didn't see you :rolleyes:

10th October 2010, 12:52
It would be impossible that mister '6 tenths' perfection, simply forgot or didn't care about the dead Italian soldiers, isn't it? :rolleyes:

I don't know about your TV feed but on the BBC when Webber pointed to the black armband Alonso mumbled something about "for the ... Italians" with Webber nodding in understanding. He knew exactly what the black armband was for.

10th October 2010, 13:05
What a great race! And to top it all my eldest is now a fully signed up member of the Kobay fan club :D

Very odd for two wheels to fall off. I can just about understand Kubica's as it was only minutes after the start so if it hadn't been fitted properly it was going to show itself fairly quickly. However with Nico he had been on that set of tyres for what? 40 laps? What the frak happened there? Very scary.

10th October 2010, 13:27
Double standards from the Stewards penalising Petrov but not Massa who tried a pass that was never on and wrecked Liuzzi's race! But then I suppose Alonso needs all the help he can get ;)

10th October 2010, 13:57
Yes I was there..pitty I didn't see you :rolleyes:

But it does seem stupid because either:
FA forgot, and was real stupid
ferrari did not tell him which was really stupid
Fa not smart enough to understand when told, which was really stupid
Freddie mumbled as to what it was for such that one could not hear, which was really stupid

10th October 2010, 16:57
Yes I was there..pitty I didn't see you :rolleyes:

I couldn't be in a same place where Briatore might show up! :D

10th October 2010, 19:52
Great race today, hopefully the final three will be similar. The top five title contenders were within about ten seconds at one point, just shows how close this season is. :up:

10th October 2010, 20:50
The quote of the race has to be:

"Our pace was amazing - we were only lapped once...."
Heikki Kovalainen (12th)

10th October 2010, 21:18
The quote of the race has to be:

"Our pace was amazing - we were only lapped once...."
Heikki Kovalainen (12th)

Awesome :D

10th October 2010, 21:25
The quote of the race has to be:

"Our pace was amazing - we were only lapped once...."
Heikki Kovalainen (12th)

LOL agreed! The Lotus team have been in high spirits all weekend & I'm beyond thrilled to see them doing well in prep for 2011. My fav quote from the whole weekend has to be this from the BBC text feed on Saturday:

"Lotus technical chief Mike Gascoyne is being interviewed by Ted Kravitz when Heikki Kovalainen proudly appears carrying a homemade boat with a 'number one' sail on it. "It's the only thing we'll win this year," quips Gascoyne as Kovalainen takes it to the pit lane. Kovalainen places the boat on the streams of water but it doesn't move. "It's waiting for the lights," says the Finn." :laugh:

10th October 2010, 21:27
The quote of the race has to be:

"Our pace was amazing - we were only lapped once...."
Heikki Kovalainen (12th)

LOL agreed! The Lotus team have been in high spirits all weekend & I'm beyond thrilled to see them doing well in prep for 2011. My fav quote from the whole weekend has to be this from the BBC text feed on Saturday:

"Lotus technical chief Mike Gascoyne is being interviewed by Ted Kravitz when Heikki Kovalainen proudly appears carrying a homemade boat with a 'number one' sail on it. "It's the only thing we'll win this year," quips Gascoyne as Kovalainen takes it to the pit lane. Kovalainen places the boat on the streams of water but it doesn't move. "It's waiting for the lights," says the Finn." :laugh:

Both are excellent quotes! :)

11th October 2010, 12:15
Hamilton gave his Best, Button showed pace when it did not matter and Webber stretched his lead.

Let me be the first to congratulate Webber on the 2010 WDC. fully deserved.
I'm already looking to next year for Hamilton and only hope that maybe he can get to finish this year strong with a 2nd place in the WDC.

11th October 2010, 12:21
Hamilton gave his Best, Button showed pace when it did not matter and Webber stretched his lead.

Let me be the first to congratulate Webber on the 2010 WDC. fully deserved.
I'm already looking to next year for Hamilton and only hope that maybe he can get to finish this year strong with a 2nd place in the WDC.

With all due respect - if you think Webber's won already, well, that's pretty foolish of you.

11th October 2010, 18:15
Remember "Anything can happen in Formula 1 and it usually does" ;)

A cliche I know but no one has won anything yet. :)

11th October 2010, 21:16
With all due respect - if you think Webber's won already, well, that's pretty foolish of you.

I would call it less foolish and more logical.
I think that Webber is pretty close to sealing the title. Yes anything can happen like him crashing in the next 3 races, but that is probably not likely to happen. Anyway, it was said with a bit of sarcasm in relationship to Hamilton's title chances. But if one is to be pragmatic about the situation I think he is clearly the odds on favorite for the title.

11th October 2010, 21:23
Remember "Anything can happen in Formula 1 and it usually does" ;)

A cliche I know but no one has won anything yet. :)

I know and the optimist child in me hopes for Hamilton to win the last 3 races while Webber, Vettel and Alonso all suffer poor results. I'd love to be dating Rosario Dawson too, and I actually have met her, but that's probably not likely to happen and Webber is probably going to take the crown.

But, one never knows, and that is why i watch the races. ;)

Big Ben
11th October 2010, 22:47
Hamilton gave his Best, Button showed pace when it did not matter and Webber stretched his lead.

Let me be the first to congratulate Webber on the 2010 WDC. fully deserved.
I'm already looking to next year for Hamilton and only hope that maybe he can get to finish this year strong with a 2nd place in the WDC.

I agree with you... many things can still happen but the most likely result is that MW will be this year´s winner. However I hope the champion will be the man that will make you feel most miserable.... nothing personal of course :p :

12th October 2010, 00:56
I would call it less foolish and more logical.
I think that Webber is pretty close to sealing the title. Yes anything can happen like him crashing in the next 3 races, but that is probably not likely to happen. Anyway, it was said with a bit of sarcasm in relationship to Hamilton's title chances. But if one is to be pragmatic about the situation I think he is clearly the odds on favorite for the title.

Webber doesn't need to crash - if either Vettel or Alonso wins the remaining 3 races then they'll take the title, regardless of what Webber does. All of the top 3 have the title still very much in their grasp.

But yes of course, to be pragmatic you'd rather be 14 points ahead than 14 behind :)

12th October 2010, 01:18
Mark will need to win at least one more race, unless something drastic happens to both Vettel and Alonso next race. One DNF can make a huge difference for any of them, as Hamilton demonstrated very effectively - his task is almost impossible now.

Valve Bounce
12th October 2010, 01:39
But yes of course, to be pragmatic you'd rather be 14 points ahead than 14 behind :)

Especially with both Vettel and Alonso locked on 14 points behind. Both will be desperate to win, and that could cause problems.

12th October 2010, 06:44
Did Vettel jump start the race?
Watch the video:

12th October 2010, 07:08
Did Vettel jump start the race?
Watch the video:

I am more annoyed with the camera man's inability to keep a semi steady cam.
In all seriousness, maybe a slight twitch, but probably not enough to gain any kind of advantage.

12th October 2010, 07:53
Did Vettel jump start the race?
Watch the video:

There is no penalty as long as you are stationary when the lights go.

You should also be behind the white line when the lights go, but the stewards have been pretty sloppy in enforcing that this year.

Valve Bounce
12th October 2010, 08:51
Yeah! he did!! let's disqualify the guy and ban him for two races. :rolleyes:

12th October 2010, 18:32
Did Vettel jump start the race?
Watch the video:

No he didn't the car was not moving when the lights went green.

13th October 2010, 03:18
I am more annoyed with the camera man's inability to keep a semi steady cam.
In all seriousness, maybe a slight twitch, but probably not enough to gain any kind of advantage.

It was pretty close though :)