View Full Version : Duchess of York is stung by a sting

24th May 2010, 12:56
Seems the Duchess has been stung by other than a bee

What is the world coming to???

interesting is that some states in the usa have laws making this a crime, for both her and the reporters, as being a form of commercial bribery



wonder what is English law on this point?
"free" speech or illegal speech?

bribe or nor bribe
that is the question

when I first saw this, I wondered, was this something like a Max mosley sort of thing??

24th May 2010, 13:14
The UK press do this sort of thing quite a lot!
It's on the edges of the law, but the law is all about intent. Obviously the reporter can claim that his intent was only to expose the corruption and not to actually bribe anybody, and thus would not have committed a crime.

Besides, it's bad form to try to shoot the messenger in these sorts of cases.

24th May 2010, 13:21
It appears that he did pay the money, not a law enforcement officer, and that would be enough to put them both in a hole...at least in some USA states...

shooting reporters....hummm, now there is a thought....

24th May 2010, 20:19
I'm not a big fan of any of the royals, but especially not her - she looks like something that would crawl out of one of our southern state trailer parks. To me, this was totally hilarious.

24th May 2010, 21:36
What a vile loathsome creature she is.

26th May 2010, 22:16
Greedy,and a big spender too!
Have these people NO morals at all,are they also thick,as to not understand that they are being set up.Is there not a time when they think,ay-ay is this legal and above board,and will I be found out.
John Higgins too by the same reporter!
I am sure I would smell a rat,but then when you have to work hard for your money you probably are a crafty boxer!

26th May 2010, 22:29
frankly as bad as her actions were I find the Newspaper's action even worse.

1st rule of journalism: Never become the story.

What they did was unethical.

27th May 2010, 00:02
What is the world coming to???

when I first saw this, I wondered, was this something like a Max mosley ??

There you have it!
Irrefutable proof that Max was set up by the royal family :D