View Full Version : Pickem Results - Daytona Online Winner:Mr. Mister 2nd:GARYGAZZA 3rd:COD Leader:Mr. Mister

25th March 2010, 10:19
As everyone here knows, Stan has been very much under the weather. A great many of you have continued to make your picks on the automated system anyway, and deserve to have your picks recorded and scored.

Well, the long wait is over.

The pickems have now been set up and scored, and you may find the detailed race by race results, as well as the championship standings here:


I'm sure just about everyone of you eagle eyed observers will note a minor mistake in the calendar caused by a very bleary eyed idiot (me) who hadn't slept in over 24 hours and mistyped one single little digit causing the races at Fontana and Las Vegas to be transposed.

You will note that they are in the correct order on the championship standings Spreadsheet

I will endeavor to keep up with this as best as I can, until Stan is back up and running and able to handle it again, if at all (I sure hope he can, his results posts are so much prettier than mine, I don't have all those special graphics, and even if I did, I'm not sure I would even know what to do with them! :p )
In any event, alt of what I said here still stands:


Thank you for all of your support and here's a toast to Stan:
Where ever you are hurry up and get better soon, dammit!!!!

3 beers for for Stan :beer: :beer: :beer:

25th March 2010, 10:23
Congrats to Garygazza and Swoop for winning the Daytona 500 :beer: :beer:

25th March 2010, 10:28
Congrats to Mr Swiss for winning both the Auto Club 500 at Fontana, California AND the Food City 500 at Bristol :beer: :beer:

Mr Swiss can be found in the dairy section at your local supermarket

(Sorry dude, just couldn't resist! :p :

25th March 2010, 10:29
Congrats to Ivan Balakhonov for winning the Shelby American 400 at Las Vegas :beer:

25th March 2010, 10:32
Congrats to raybak for winning the Kobalt Tools 500 at Atlanta :beer:
And no, there is no truth the rumor that he recieved a 3 race probation at Atlanta

25th March 2010, 10:40
TOP 10 Championship Standings

01 Mr Swiss............1092
02 Alexamateo..........1063
03 tolis11.............1039
04 tradin paint........1035
05 swoop...............1032
06 slorydn1............1028
07 GARYGAZZA...........1025
08 NoahsGirl...........1007
09 MD24................1004
10 Mekola..............1000

Congrats to Mr Swiss and his 29 point lead over Alexamateo :beer:

As you can see it's still very tight at the top, and with a race win earning 250 points even people who missed a week or 2 have a shot at the championship so get in there and start picking

25th March 2010, 16:09
Great work Slo


25th March 2010, 19:22
yep. Not many people playing this year so good results more than consistency will pay dividends.

26th March 2010, 00:16
If we could get someone to change the deadline for this week's Martinsville race to Friday 3.10 PM it would be great.
What is posted is incorrect, it's after qualifications.

26th March 2010, 00:26
If we could get someone to change the deadline for this week's Martinsville race to Friday 3.10 PM it would be great.
What is posted is incorrect, it's after qualifications.

Unfortunately I can't fix it, I don't have the horsepower to make those kind of changes. I'll shoot Mark a message and see if he can (he's probably asleep now, middle of the night across the pond and all that)

26th March 2010, 01:58
Unfortunately I can't fix it, I don't have the horsepower to make those kind of changes.

You should, you've been doing a great job keeping this forum going

27th March 2010, 00:00
You should, you've been doing a great job keeping this forum going

I appreciate the kind words....

Stan will back, soon, I hope

29th March 2010, 21:30
CONGRATS to MD24 for winning the Goody's Fast Relief 500 at Martinsville :beer:

29th March 2010, 21:39
01 Mr Swiss..........1268
02 MD24..............1254
03 Alexamateo........1243
04 Tradin Paint......1241
05 Slorydn1..........1228
06 Garygazza.........1219
07 Tolis11...........1215
t8 Swoop.............1210
t8 R56meaux..........1210
10 Harvick1..........1207

CONGRATS to Mr Swiss on maintaining the points lead :beer:

29th March 2010, 23:52
Thank you for quickly updating the results. Great job. You might wanna change from beer to milk. :)

30th March 2010, 00:10
You might wanna change from beer to milk. :)

I promise I will...some time near the end of MAY :p :

30th March 2010, 02:05
rubbish, I was the only one smart enough to pick Hamlin on the win too

30th March 2010, 03:52
Finally gain on mr_swiss :)

Thanks for the quick update

5th April 2010, 20:46
This weekend coming up is one of those weekends that I work night shift. Judging from the amount of practice and race coverage I have set on my DVR, it will be sometime on Tuesday before I score the pickems. If I can somehow get off of work a little early Monday Morning, then I may get everything scored Monday afternoon after I have had a chance to watch the races.....


6th April 2010, 12:01
Not many people playing this year. But that makes it all the harder. Because there's going to be much less variation in the points scores.

In the last race the last placed player was 27th which still gave them 174 points despite getting no drivers in the top 8 correct! Which is only a loss of 76 points, compared with a possible loss of 250 points.

So with less players you don't hurt so badly if you have a bad weeks picks, but at the same time those with good pickems can't pull away as quickly, so it'll be interested.

6th April 2010, 20:15
Not many people playing this year. But that makes it all the harder. Because there's going to be much less variation in the points scores.

In the last race the last placed player was 27th which still gave them 174 points despite getting no drivers in the top 8 correct! Which is only a loss of 76 points, compared with a possible loss of 250 points.

So with less players you don't hurt so badly if you have a bad weeks picks, but at the same time those with good pickems can't pull away as quickly, so it'll be interested.

I'm still trying to figure out where everybody went. The scoresheet for f1 is 2 pages long :eek:

I finished p41 for the Malaysian Grand Prix and moved up several spots in the standings!!!!!!

I guess all things are cyclical, so maybe people will start coming back

11th April 2010, 13:17
Congrats to Garygazza on this weeks win! :beer:

12th April 2010, 12:51
congrats to Garygazza!

19th April 2010, 01:11
Because of the rainout of the race at Texas, I will be watching the race after I get home from work tomorrow nite. I will not have time to score the pickem until sometime on Tuesday (if work is slow I may have a chance to do it there)

26th April 2010, 03:04
Talladega is the first time I have won an official pick-em in any racing series on msf!!!!!!!!!!

WOOO-hooooo!!!!!!!! :beer:

And congrats to mr swiss for maintaining the points lead :beer:

2nd May 2010, 04:22
Congrats to Swoop for the win at Richmond :beer:

2nd May 2010, 04:23
Congrats to Mr Swiss on holding on to the points lead

9th May 2010, 16:17
wow my first win in like 3 years :beer: :bounce:

10th May 2010, 03:06
wow my first win in like 3 years :beer: :bounce:

Congrats on winning the Southern 500, Harvick1 :beer:

10th May 2010, 03:07
Congrats to mr swiss for retaining the lead :beer:

10th May 2010, 04:59
The bad news I fell 3 spots, The good news looking at results I can average 16th place next week and move up 5 spots.Hypathecticaly

12th May 2010, 17:36
its quite interesting

16th May 2010, 21:48
congrats to mv toy for winning dover :beer:

16th May 2010, 21:50
congrats to mr swiss for maintaining the points lead :beer:

16th May 2010, 22:04
that was a big f-up on my end, I thought I already posted my pickems earlier in the week, oh well :laugh:

31st May 2010, 21:58
congrats to Alexemateo on winning the Coke 600 :beer:

7th June 2010, 03:05
Conrats Tstran88 on winning the Pocono 500 :up: :beer:

9th June 2010, 02:07
Wow did I take a slide job on this one. Down to 23 from 11th.

10th June 2010, 03:15
That was scary. I was reading the race linki not the championship points link. I only fell two to 11th.

10th June 2010, 04:35
Conrats Tstran88 on winning the Pocono 500 :up: :beer: Thkx...purposely left out the 17 though??? :p (Slo, you've been around long enough to know the 88 is for DJ and not D Jr.) ....hehehe :D

10th June 2010, 07:50
Thkx...purposely left out the 17 though??? :p (Slo, you've been around long enough to know the 88 is for DJ and not D Jr.) ....hehehe :D

Yes that is true and no, I didn't purposely leave out the 17........I have been having major issues with keys not wanting to work then getting mad and hitting it extra hard and get several of the same character ( for example Tstran1777777777777777788).....I probably just deleted all the 7's and probably the 1 as well and just got p/o'd and didn't fix it....I can't wait for my birthday, Wifey is looking for a new laptop for me! :D

14th June 2010, 03:04
Congrats to Harvick1 for winning the Heluva Good Sour Cream Dips 400 at Michigan... :beer:

(man these sponsor names are getting ridiculously long)

14th June 2010, 03:33
yeah too bad I spaced out and didnt put my pickems in a few weeks ago, lost way too much ground

21st June 2010, 20:02
Congrats to The instant classic on winning the Toyota/Savemart 350k at Infineon Raceway :beer:

21st June 2010, 20:03
Does ANYONE have anything for mr swiss???? :beer:

The instant classic
22nd June 2010, 18:01
Congrats to The instant classic on winning the Toyota/Savemart 350k at Infineon Raceway :beer:

wow thanks!! :D
drinks are on me this whole week :beer:

27th June 2010, 21:27
Congrats to R56 Meaux on winning the Lenox Industrial Tools 301 at Loudon :beer:

4th July 2010, 13:13
My 2nd Restrictor Plate win of the year :beer: :up:

8th July 2010, 21:10
Just a quick note. The Chicago pickem closed early, but I have reset it to close tomorrow afternoon so you may continue to make your picks

Stan had done up all of these threads at the beginning of the year and had no way of knowing at the time when qually was going to be.....

I have been trying to go thru and fix them as they pop up, but had to work a lot extra lately and missed this one, but its fixed, now.

15th July 2010, 01:48
Congrats to Mekola for winning the Lifelock.com 400 at Chicagoland :beer:

23rd July 2010, 03:50
Thanks! I've been a regular on Pickems for various years and I have occasional wins. This time it took me in NASCAR pickems! Yay!

27th July 2010, 06:47
Congrats to Raybak on winning the Brickyard 400 at Indy, and Congrats
to MD24 on taking over the points lead!

:beer: :beer:

3rd August 2010, 16:51
Congrats to Raybak for his 2nd straight win :beer:

11th August 2010, 02:10
Congrats to Ivan Balakonov for winning at Watkins Glen :beer:

11th August 2010, 02:11
Congrats to Mr Swiss for re-assuming the points lead....this guy is tough

28th September 2010, 18:54
I can't keep the lead

Only 19 points difference from 1st to 3rd :eek:

4th October 2010, 16:57
Wow, I won the Kansas race by 11 points. I haven't actually won in NASCAR Pickems since 2007 - it was again in Kansas, when I was the only one to pick Carl Edwards for the win.

Too bad I missed the first 21 races in this year's NASCAR Pickems! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

5th October 2010, 12:37
Wow, I won the Kansas race by 11 points. I haven't actually won in NASCAR Pickems since 2007 - it was again in Kansas, when I was the only one to pick Carl Edwards for the win.

Too bad I missed the first 21 races in this year's NASCAR Pickems! http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g202/gr8link/orn/00.gif

Congrats on the win :beer: and my dismal showing hands the points lead over to MD24 :beer:

18th October 2010, 20:10
What an interesting season!!

18th October 2010, 20:38
Don't be so greedy mr_swiss

25th October 2010, 15:44
after the charolette race I did my picks for martinsville and wrote them down on a piece of paper. I dsated it and wrote all my picks just as picked thgem on the thread.
I'm looking today and there not there- I'm, not there.
my picks were
4-ky Busch
7-Truex jr
In that order, What happened to me and my picks. I gfo to the pickems site and my name is no longer even there when after cahrolette I was in 14th place.Am i checking the results too soon or something?

26th October 2010, 17:56
after the charolette race I did my picks for martinsville and wrote them down on a piece of paper. I dsated it and wrote all my picks just as picked thgem on the thread.
I'm looking today and there not there- I'm, not there.
my picks were
4-ky Busch
7-Truex jr
In that order, What happened to me and my picks. I gfo to the pickems site and my name is no longer even there when after cahrolette I was in 14th place.Am i checking the results too soon or something?

I just looked, your picks are where they belong....Juding from where u originally posted this I think you probably were just looking in the wrong place.

27th October 2010, 14:35
Thanks as usual you're right . I noticed my mistake a few hours after i posted my confusioin.
I know I cant win because I missed Indy, But I am determined to crack the top 10."Never give up"-Jimmy V

9th November 2010, 20:38
Hi Storydn1,I dont wish to sound pedantic as you do a great job,Its pretty tight in the overall pickem standings at the moment just as it is in the chase and every point counts so can I query the result for Texas as I think you will find I got my pick in before Alexamatio?10 points could make a difference at seasons end as could overall wins.

10th November 2010, 00:35
I think the computer does the tiebreaker automatically, and I got it because my second place pick (Harvick) scored more points than your second place pick (Johnson). Picking order has nothing to do with it.

10th November 2010, 20:56
Hi Alexamateo,I realised that after I sent the post.I was getting confused with the tied scores in the cup scramble compitition.Congrats on the win.

17th November 2010, 02:19
Just like Harvick, 3rd place and no chance of winning :mark:

Good luck GARYGAZZA and mr_swiss.

17th November 2010, 19:28
Dont rule your self out .Its still mathmatically possible for Harvick and you.

22nd November 2010, 02:12
Congats to The Instant Classic on winning Homestead, and a big congrats to GARYGAZZA one winning the 2010 MSF NASCAR Pickem's Championship by 1 FREAKIN' POINT :eek: over MD24, and 4 points over Mr Swiss!!!!!

:beer: :beer:

22nd November 2010, 02:54
1 point from getting my 4th :)

Congrats GARYGAZZA :D :up:

Thanks slorydn1 for taking the time to do this :up:

22nd November 2010, 04:07
Congrats GaryGazza!! Wow!! 4 points separating the top 3!!

The instant classic
22nd November 2010, 06:32
great job GARYGAZZA!! and everyone, great time racing with everyone all season long. once again great job to everyone on their picks and good luck next season :beer: 91 days till daytona :D

22nd November 2010, 06:47
Blimey how close was that!!!Phew.Thanks MD24 and Mr Swiss for making this years Pickems so close.

22nd November 2010, 16:34
Congratulation to GARYGAZZA for the win in this years pickems.
Great battle the whole season. Congrats to MD24 for 2nd.
Thank you slorydn1 for tabulating the pickems every week. Your work here is highly appreciated!
Hope to see you all back next year for another round of fun and excitement.