View Full Version : What's the Deal with Jimmy Spencer

3rd March 2010, 04:03
No, not a rhetorical question, it's his new show for Speed (I think it's just a weekly web show). Funny clip of his comments on you know who:


3rd March 2010, 04:11
Thanks for the link! ROFLMAO!

3rd March 2010, 05:43
That was funny

Mark in Oshawa
3rd March 2010, 05:56
Jimmy said it best: "Danica, you have a brake." McDowell sucked up a little but in NASCAR, admitting you might had done something wrong on a deal like that isn't always a sign of weakness.

THe problem for Mr. Spencer is he advocates she learns to stock car race on short tracks. She wont do it. THAT would not fit in with the "plan"...and since she isn't into racing enough to do it for nothing, it wont happen.

I predict more torn up sheet metal at New Hampshire...

3rd March 2010, 11:13
I predict more torn up sheet metal at New Hampshire...

it don't matter, she would have to qualify her way in, and I don't see that happening at a track which takes alot more skill than California

3rd March 2010, 11:55
Could be a lot more sheet metal torn up just in trying to qualify. If she actually does have to qualify her way in (and I don't put anything past anyone when it comes to her), she'll be desperate.

3rd March 2010, 12:02
That was hilarious. They didn't show McDowell's full quote on TV, (I may have missed it with mute on) but did anyone else sense a "bit" of sarcasm?

4th March 2010, 01:24
I never, ever, in my wildest dreams that I would EVER utter the following phrase:



4th March 2010, 03:54
I was laughing at what Jimmy said about ESPN, I mean even the crawl at the bottom of the screen is giving Danica updates in between basketball scores. I'm wondering if June Bug brought her in just to distract a little attention away from himself.

4th March 2010, 11:48
As a counterpoint, there's a column on Speed.com by John Roberts, who actually defended the intense media coverage on a mid-30s finisher, and said that he didn't believe the round-the-clock coverage of Danica (his words, not mine) had any negative effect on anyone else.

He could say that - he didn't have to sit through it, and finally turn the tv off in disgust. If it keeps up, Speed, Fox, and NASCAR have lost this viewer.

Go Jimmy!

Mark in Oshawa
4th March 2010, 22:38
As a counterpoint, there's a column on Speed.com by John Roberts, who actually defended the intense media coverage on a mid-30s finisher, and said that he didn't believe the round-the-clock coverage of Danica (his words, not mine) had any negative effect on anyone else.

He could say that - he didn't have to sit through it, and finally turn the tv off in disgust. If it keeps up, Speed, Fox, and NASCAR have lost this viewer.

Go Jimmy!

John Roberts is an idiot if he is trying to justify this. The audience is always right, and I cant count the number of NASCAR fans Iknow who might just tune out if this overcoverage stuff continues.

5th March 2010, 00:24
that clip was special, the brake comment is priceless.

5th March 2010, 09:58
Really Mark? You know folks that will give up watching because of Danica's press coverage?

I mean dang man, I've been around racing a long time and about the only thing that really chaps my hide is when at a shortie they run 35 continuous laps under yellow while cleaning up a really big mess instead of red-flagging the race to do so.

But to give up on NASCAR because of media infatuation? After all the bs NASCAR has come up with over the years?....geesh.....and I'll leave it at that.

Mark in Oshawa
5th March 2010, 17:55
Really Mark? You know folks that will give up watching because of Danica's press coverage?

I mean dang man, I've been around racing a long time and about the only thing that really chaps my hide is when at a shortie they run 35 continuous laps under yellow while cleaning up a really big mess instead of red-flagging the race to do so.

But to give up on NASCAR because of media infatuation? After all the bs NASCAR has come up with over the years?....geesh.....and I'll leave it at that.

You think I am wrong? That is fine, you can think that way, but what has happened in this year's Nationwide series races as opposed to last years? Maybe the Olympics took some viewers, but I can tell you I DIDN'T watch the Nationwide races she ran in once I saw the fawning coverage, and the fawning Speed did in her ARCA run was nauseaiting as well. If I, a serious race fan decided I had other things to do, you think I am alone? Seriously...the ratings WERE down in California and Vegas. Was it the Olympics or was it the people getting tired of showing princess at the back of the back. Would you continue to watch a race where you know about who is in 33rd than in 5th? Think long and hard....

5th March 2010, 18:28
You think I am wrong? That is fine, you can think that way, but what has happened in this year's Nationwide series races as opposed to last years? Maybe the Olympics took some viewers, but I can tell you I DIDN'T watch the Nationwide races she ran in once I saw the fawning coverage, and the fawning Speed did in her ARCA run was nauseaiting as well. If I, a serious race fan decided I had other things to do, you think I am alone? Seriously...the ratings WERE down in California and Vegas. Was it the Olympics or was it the people getting tired of showing princess at the back of the back. Would you continue to watch a race where you know about who is in 33rd than in 5th? Think long and hard....

Maybe He would. As I stated in the thread for that race, for the first time I can ever remember, I turned off a race (not just muted, TURNED OFF) because they wouldn't shut up about Danica. They were in the middle of doing a "through the field" and Harvick was supposed to be the next car to get mentioned, but they broke out of it to show Danica getting put a second lap down. I got SO mad I shut it off, counted to 40 (approximate cali lap time) and turned it back on and they STILL were talking about her, I just about broke the remote). Most people here would NOT understand how hard it is for me to shut off the TV while the cars/trucks are on the track. Its like asking a methhead to stay away from meth (bad pun).

Mark in Oshawa
5th March 2010, 19:44
Maybe He would. As I stated in the thread for that race, for the first time I can ever remember, I turned off a race (not just muted, TURNED OFF) because they wouldn't shut up about Danica. They were in the middle of doing a "through the field" and Harvick was supposed to be the next car to get mentioned, but they broke out of it to show Danica getting put a second lap down. I got SO mad I shut it off, counted to 40 (approximate cali lap time) and turned it back on and they STILL were talking about her, I just about broke the remote). Most people here would NOT understand how hard it is for me to shut off the TV while the cars/trucks are on the track. Its like asking a methhead to stay away from meth (bad pun).

I can do it easy. I have MRN I can turn to or just find something else. I love my racing, but I can watch the IRL, ALMS or the local guys up at the Mosport Oval. I don't NEED to watch bad TV where 10% of the on air time is dedicated to the hot chick being put 3 laps down.

Believe me, If I can do it, many of you will do it. Casual race fans might do it. The story "The Emperor has no Clothes" comes to mind. We might like Danica naked, but the point is, she isn't royalty, or a credible front runner, but the media hasn't figured it out. You lose a TON of credibility when you don't acknowledge that reality, and ABC/ESPN's race coverage to me is just a waste of time...

6th March 2010, 01:36
Well gee Mark, I am the kind of guy that watches the backmarkers. Especially when I'm at a track. Remember, I came to racing back when 10 or 15 cars on the lead lap at the end was extraordinary. When lapping the field could happen on any given Sunday. When $200 bucks was the difference between 20th and 21st and those guys needed every $200 bucks they could get thier hands on. When guys would pull back on track in their (ahem) modifieds not for the points but for that $200 bucks. There's some dang good racing going on back there.

And no, I don't think you're wrong at all. I just think that for all the crap that NASCAR has done to homogenize the races that something as fleeting as announcers fawning over a pair of boobs wouldn't be all that big of a big deal.

And then, on the hype-alone scale compare Danica-mania to Digger, "Cowboy" Jeff Hammon, the tech garage, Boogity Boggity Boogity, Rutledge, The Lucky Dog, and now a gosh dern Talent Show????

I mean, if Danica is the straw that breaks the camel's back, I can understand. But Danica alone? Well ok, I'm not one to argue opinions.

Mark in Oshawa
6th March 2010, 02:17
Well gee Mark, I am the kind of guy that watches the backmarkers. Especially when I'm at a track. Remember, I came to racing back when 10 or 15 cars on the lead lap at the end was extraordinary. When lapping the field could happen on any given Sunday. When $200 bucks was the difference between 20th and 21st and those guys needed every $200 bucks they could get thier hands on. When guys would pull back on track in their (ahem) modifieds not for the points but for that $200 bucks. There's some dang good racing going on back there.

And no, I don't think you're wrong at all. I just think that for all the crap that NASCAR has done to homogenize the races that something as fleeting as announcers fawning over a pair of boobs wouldn't be all that big of a big deal.

And then, on the hype-alone scale compare Danica-mania to Digger, "Cowboy" Jeff Hammon, the tech garage, Boogity Boggity Boogity, Rutledge, The Lucky Dog, and now a gosh dern Talent Show????

I mean, if Danica is the straw that breaks the camel's back, I can understand. But Danica alone? Well ok, I'm not one to argue opinions.

You might be right. For many she may be the straw, but the thing is, it was ESPN/ABC that had her in the Nationwide, not Fox/Speed.

I think because I follow the IRL as well, it was really annoying to see the hype machine kick it up a notch when she came to the tintops...

As for watching the backmarkers, If I am at the track I do. If I am able to see a good fight back there that has some significance, I don't mind seeing it, but seeing Danica get lapped is NOT entertainment...or newsworthy.

6th March 2010, 03:45
Yup, gotta agree with that to a point. I think the first lap down is newsworthy no matter who's getting lapped. Maybe even the 2nd. But after that? Nope not at all.