View Full Version : Credit where credit is due

26th February 2010, 03:48
If you've been paying attention to my signature, then you'd know I've got a blog on Racing-reference.info now. Last month I posted a blog about trends in yellow flags over the last decade. Just in case you didn't read it before, I think you might enjoy it.


Hoss Ghoul
26th February 2010, 04:23
Any way to correlate that data with the average seasons of experience of drivers competing in races during those seasons? The early-to-mid 2000's saw a large increase in youthful, inexperienced drivers, aka "young guns". But its all anecdotal without the data...

26th February 2010, 05:03
Being a stats guy myself, I like this tracking of the yellow flags from 1999 onward...agreed that the TREND is going in the right direction, but still is a FAR cry from where it was in 1999; there are still too many "competition" cautions going on, and I'm NOT talking about the pre-announced ones they throw in the first 25 laps of a race after it rained the previous day.