View Full Version : Longsock!

17th January 2010, 22:59

Longsock wearers of the world Unite!

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the hosiery bands which have connected them with another, it is time for them to stand up and proclaim to the world the utter joy and overwhelming security that comes from wearing the Longsock

Did the Scots when they came over the border indulge in poncy short socks? Not a bar of it. They wore Longsocks and were proud of it (even though their choice of skirty trouser substitutes is questionable).

When Edward I stole the Stone of Destiny, what was his nickname? None other than Edward Longsocks!

On the modern battlefield that is the realm of sport, what kind of socks do the combabtants engaged in a struggle more important than life of death itself? Longsocks!

Longsocks are part of our glorious past and our future equally stands on them... Let's hear it for LONGSOCKS!

(to be concluded with flourish of Ode to Joy)

Mark in Oshawa
19th January 2010, 02:12
Rollo...you are one sick puppy...and that's why we love ya...