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View Full Version : Silverstone Car Parking, Pass? No Pass? What to do?

Mysterious Rock
9th June 2009, 22:24
Just wondered what ideas people have for parking, I dont got a pass as I got tix from the old internet auction site, and reluctant to pay 50 ish for one on there, any ideas, I saw the school does parkig but is it possible to get there due to one way?

9th June 2009, 22:42
We used to sell our parking passes on eBay, although you may end up paying up to £100. It was a nice way of getting money back for your ticket. Silverstone does operate a park and ride service but I've not used it. We always sold our passed as we camped and left our car at the campsite and walked to the track.

17th June 2009, 15:59
If you get really stuck I can offer you a parking space in my front garden (i live in one of the closest houses to the track). Just let me know. M :)