View Full Version : Senator McCaskill, Wall St. idiots

31st January 2009, 05:25
Senator Claire McCaskill has called Wall Street executives "idiots" for giving and receiving bonuses.


Senator, it was you and your peers that went against the majority of your constituent's wishes (you know, the people you're supposed to represent) and voted for that bailout bill to start with. The voters in this country were against it. Wall Street may have used it unwisely but the idiots are the fools that gave them the money to start with. "Got to have the money right now to save the economy"...yeah right. Government once again doing what is best for us since we're too stupid to look after ourselves. Guess what? The economy hasn't been saved. We knew it wouldn't work.

If you want to see the real moronic idiot, look in the mirror. Every representitive that voted for that bill ought to have to pay it back with their own funds, regardless of how many generations it takes.


31st January 2009, 15:31
"Senator Claire McCaskill has called Wall Street executives "idiots" for giving and receiving bonuses."

I thought they were just greedy, sort of like sending jobs over seas for quick short terms profits, without thinking about how are all those unemployed people going to pay their bills, mortgages and buy that corporate stuff from the company that sent those jobs over seas, when they got no job, no money......

And NOW everyone here is fussing because the stimulus package requires "buy american"----well yeah they got a point, it ought to be for the whole world, that means most of the stimulus can go straight overseas and put the rest of the world to working....while we fiddle while rome burns.. now that is even dumber, why not just put "buy Foreign" instead of buy american? That is where the jobs are all going...

Mark in Oshawa
31st January 2009, 20:17
All I know is there was a great amount of debate with the talking heads and all I heard was this incessant noise about how this bailout was needed or the economy was going to tank. That was in the fall. Guess what...it tanked and they have another bill full of pork that no doubt will not do a damned thing. Keyenesian economics does NOT work if 90% of the money never actually gets into the market place. From what I have seen, a lot of fat cats and politically connected people will make out like bandits and the guy on the street is hoping for crumbs. Typical left wing politics really. Do something and then blame it on someone else's greed when it doesn't work.

Say what you want for Reagan's trickle down economics but he pulled the World's economy up within 2 years of being elected by putting more money in the pockets of the tax paying public and let that circulate around the economy. THAT is how we will get out of a recession. People BUYING stuff. Improving their homes, buying cars. With all the money generated through taxes on profits and business growth, the government gets back. Right now...all the money is going to dark holes in bureaucracies somewhere....