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29th January 2009, 14:34
Anyone else as impatient and fidgety as I am to see the start of the 2009 F1 season and how the new rules hopefully improve the racing :?:

29th January 2009, 16:10

I hope the new aero regs and KERS bring something exciting to the F1 and what happens with Honda, because i wouldnŽt like to have less cars on the grid. In fact, IŽd prefer to be more out there...

29th January 2009, 19:10
I don't see nothing wrong with F1 racing as is. Last year was one of the great. Can't wait for the start.

N. Jones
29th January 2009, 19:11
I'm impatient about Honda F1. Don't they know that their indecision is screwing up the FGP! :laugh:

29th January 2009, 23:40
Anyone else as impatient and fidgety as I am to see the start of the 2009 F1 season and how the new rules hopefully improve the racing :?:

Oh God yes.

And the fact that the Australian Grand Prix doesn't start until late March doesn't help.

30th January 2009, 01:03
Yes! Put me on the top of the list :rolleyes:

Let's get it on! I'm hoping for another "Steel-Cage-Match" :p :

My major trepidation is whether it will be as easy to hack into the BBC as it was with ITV :confused:
I can't enjoy the chat room if I have to watch the races on Speed TV, as their broadcast is delayed several minutes :down:
Perhaps this year they, (S.TV) can step boldly into the 21st century, and actually bring it live, as opposed to the retarded delay :)

30th January 2009, 04:17
I have feeling this year would be Mercedes time again unless Ferrari drivers improved dramatically, but the most interesting part of the season is to wait for which ferraris is stronger at early start prior to determining who are they going to support.

30th January 2009, 05:38
I don't see nothing wrong with F1 racing as is. Last year was one of the great. Can't wait for the start.

Indeed 2008 was a great season, one of the best of the last 20 years. But I would like to see more wheel to wheel action and overtaking on the track, not the pits as we have had for so long now. I think the 2009 regs may just provide that. Lets hope so!!!

30th January 2009, 06:44
Freak shows are always good fun.

11th February 2009, 12:24
I'm getting impatient now! :(

11th February 2009, 12:32

:s mokin:

11th February 2009, 15:18

:s mokin:

:D Looking forward to 2009...

But I'm not counting the hours & minutes !!!

;) The Vette's prep'ed for club racing again this season.

:( Mazda's pulled their factory sponsorship from Speed World Challenge this year.

Cya @ the track,


11th February 2009, 21:49
I'm taking the season step by step and at the moment my concentration is entirely on testing to try to understand, where anyone may be in the pecking order. I'll start waiting for Australian GP in March. ;)

11th February 2009, 22:31
Febraury marks the time of the year when I start thinking pretty much only about F1...

Certainly waiting, but I just don't think the new regs will work as many are expecting

12th February 2009, 19:37
Febraury marks the time of the year when I start thinking pretty much only about F1...

Certainly waiting, but I just don't think the new regs will work as many are expecting

Fernando in an interview when asked about that said that now is a little easier to drive behind another car, but KERS is a guess, because probably every driver will use it on the sasme places and at the same times. He said that it only provides a boss of 30 to 40m.

Link in spanish http://www.safety-car.net/article.php/Fernando-alonso-mas-confianza-r29

On another interview, I don't remember who said that these kind of drastical changes in the rules do not provide a tighter grid, but quite the opposite, because only a few teams get the pacakage completely right.

Looking at the test so far every 2009 seems pretty close in terms of performance, though test times are meaningless at this point.

13th February 2009, 21:58
I have actually found myself closely following Nascar's proceedings at Daytona, because in the end it's motorsport and until the 24-hour and now the 500 it's been a long cold winter during which my motorsport addiction grew without any decent fix. The only thing I had to get high on was scattered coverage of the SCCA championship races.

I wish A1GP weren't so difficult to follow in the U.S!

14th February 2009, 03:40
There's always bootlegged race videos on YouTube.

14th February 2009, 04:11
Bootlegs are what make the world go round.

18th February 2009, 16:45
Currently I can't wait for the tests in March 1-4 at Jerez, where all the teams should supposedly be together. I'm already tired of seeing teams testing separately as I'd like to get a proper comparison finally. :p :

18th February 2009, 21:08
No, I can't wait until end of March. In the meantime I can get my motorsport fix with NASCAR and A1GP.

It will be interesting to see how the BBC present F1.

20th February 2009, 08:35
I couldn't really give a toss :D The domestic rally season is underway and football is still taking up most of my weekends. By the week before the first race I might be a little more interested :)

20th February 2009, 14:06
I'm not so amazingly keen on the tests, because nothing is conclusive until I hear those engines roaring through qualifying at Albert Park.

20th February 2009, 21:09
I'm not so amazingly keen on the tests, because nothing is conclusive until I hear those engines roaring through qualifying at Albert Park.

If we would approach a "normal season", I would be more relaxed about testing too, but at the moment I feel like we are entering a totally new era in F1 racing and this is what creates attention to follow each step of the beginning of it.