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View Full Version : Second test for Marco Andretti...

4th February 2007, 16:54
and this time, Grandpa Mario is on hand. ;)


4th February 2007, 18:54
Very interesting. 2007 could develop into an unexpectedly interesting season.

6th February 2007, 01:35
quite interesting. If he is fast this test then first that godamn Indy 500 if he wins bye bye RB

6th February 2007, 09:00
As the first test was a reward from Honda, it looks as though this one is more "the boy's quick, let's take another look at him".

It would be great to see Mario's grandson in F1 :cool:

6th February 2007, 09:50
Yep, I definately expect him in an F1 ride before the decade's end, most likely in a Honda.

I would still think something like GP2 would be beneficial to him, even if by his F1 time he has won the IRL and the 500, just because Europe is quite different to America in terms of circuits and competition.

6th February 2007, 21:08
As the first test was a reward from Honda, it looks as though this one is more "the boy's quick, let's take another look at him".

It would be great to see Mario's grandson in F1 :cool:

:D Yeah... Marco is WICKED FAST... and he's QUICK too !!!

;) Mario's pushing Marco towards Formula 1... Mikey's not so sure !!!

I expect to see Marco in F-1 shortly but...

Let's wait and see what happens within the Andretti Clan.

:s mokin: Trumper

7th February 2007, 05:47
I wonder if Bernie's doing anything behind the scenes. Getting the Andretti name back into F1 might just be another link to the US market (and cash!!!) Of course you would have to make sure he's linked with Mario and not Michael.

7th February 2007, 07:07
I am sure that Marco will want to make his own way. Now Grandpa may give a little help but he is of the cut that you can either pack the mail or you can't . We will just have to look and see the results and then make a proper decision whether or not he belongs in F!. The name is cool but the gas pedal will tell the story