View Full Version : Donkey of the Race (Monza Edition)

14th September 2008, 16:05
Sorry, it had to be done.

Coulthard for punting Nakajima off the track.

Nikki Katz
14th September 2008, 16:12
Raikkonen for making absolutely nothing of the situation. And it's not like he decided to go out on inters yesterday either, he really was just that slow.

Bourdais made a bit of a hash of things too. I feel really sorry for him, but it seems he's not destined to be in F1.

14th September 2008, 16:19
Raikkonen for making absolutely nothing of the situation. And it's not like he decided to go out on inters yesterday either, he really was just that slow.

Bourdais made a bit of a hash of things too. I feel really sorry for him, but it seems he's not destined to be in F1.
So how did SB do what???

Kimi got FASTEST lap, CAN HE DO IT?? YES, AGAIN, WOW (sorry if you don't listen to speed tv you have no idea what i mean here)

Yeah, once again Kimi seemed a sleep until the end. I know what people say that it ain't true and I am stupid (or worse), but it is as almost as though he has ADD, as his driving certainly fits the pattern.

When Kimi is "really on it", I do not think there is anyone faster, but.....today it was though LH was really scared to challenge Kimi perhaps for fear of getting slammed offf the track, but when he did, it was as though Kimi was sleeping at the wheel......and later kimi just did not really seemed to want to pass cars in front, and at times would have the "passing advantage", then concede the corner.

Dave B
14th September 2008, 16:20

Only fractionally quicker than Lewis yesterday, when at least Hamilton could blame his own poor choice of tyres. Anonymous in most of the race apart from - predictably - a few fastest laps when it no longer mattered.

14th September 2008, 16:29
Raikkonen was, sadly, rubbish. And what happened to Rosberg? He fell a long way back, though I can't remember his strategy.

As for Coulthard, we didn't see a good enough replay to have a decent view of what happened. It looked to me as though Nakajima tried to turn in a bit prematurely, but who knows.

14th September 2008, 16:34
Rosberg was on a one stopper, I think. But he cooked his tires early and he fall back quickly.

14th September 2008, 17:06
Hm. Maybe DC? :p : Although like BDunnell I'm not sure about either side's responsibility in this incident. I would have liked to see an onboard-view from DC's car. At least to me it seemed Nakajima had left enough room for DC.

14th September 2008, 17:10
1. DC for me .Just doing what he does best in 2008.
2. Kimi for not getting his Ferrari in the points. Those cars just don't handle well in the rain at all so it's a half donkey.

14th September 2008, 17:11
Kimi, showing more and more why he is NOT Michael Schumacher

14th September 2008, 17:14
Kimi, showing more and more why he is NOT Michael Schumacher

I think it's a bit unfair to expect him (or anyone) to be, frankly. I wouldn't like F1 to be full of drivers who are either clones of someone else or completely faultless. It's far more interesting for the drivers to have their own individual foibles.

14th September 2008, 17:28
Kimi, showing more and more why he is NOT Michael Schumacher

You expected him to be MS? :)

14th September 2008, 17:30
Rosberg was on a one stopper, I think. But he cooked his tires early and he fall back quickly.

My bad, he actually stopped 3 times.

14th September 2008, 17:35
Raikkonen was, sadly, rubbish. And what happened to Rosberg? He fell a long way back, though I can't remember his strategy.

As for Coulthard, we didn't see a good enough replay to have a decent view of what happened. It looked to me as though Nakajima tried to turn in a bit prematurely, but who knows.

I thought Nakajima was to blame as well. Tbh I didn't really think anyone was a donkey during this race. Perhaps the donkey of the race award should go to the car Bourdais was driving that stalled on the grid :(

14th September 2008, 18:10
I thought Nakajima was to blame as well.

It looked as though he wasn't far enough ahead to turn in from the outside. It can be done, though.

Perhaps the donkey of the race award should go to the car Bourdais was driving that stalled on the grid :(

It could very well have been one of those wonderful Belgium '98/Montréal '08 moments, when a first win is also a first 1-2! Poor old Bourdais. I really think he deserves a continued chance in F1.

14th September 2008, 18:14
It looked as though he wasn't far enough ahead to turn in from the outside. It can be done, though.

It could very well have been one of those wonderful Belgium '98/Montréal '08 moments, when a first win is also a first 1-2! Poor old Bourdais. I really think he deserves a continued chance in F1.
Yeah. I really don't see any reason why Bourdais should be dropped. He's been very unlucky and it just seems everytime I watch a race something happens that's usually not his fault or usually not a bad mistake. I saw Sebastien at the ROC last year driving the ROC buggy and the throttle stuck on his buggy and he went into a wall :( I think I might as well not watch if I want Bourdais to succeed.

14th September 2008, 18:38
Kimi + Ferrari in whole, the car dont not seem to have any grip when its wet, only good thing in this race was that the "ball licker" only got the 7 position.

donKey jote
14th September 2008, 19:46
Kimi: all cock and no balls :uhoh: :arrows: :p :


Mickey T
14th September 2008, 19:49
i thought of kimi but then, as ever, my attention was drawn to whoever the hell it is in the Red Bull garage who calls the strategies for Mark Webber.

from comfortable third to, well, nowhere.

how often, in changeable conditions, do these guys get it wrong?

Mickey T
14th September 2008, 19:51
and, to be fair, i also thought about HK.

massa, kimi, LH and kubica effectively out of the race, front row start, mclaren v toro rosso (aka Minardi) and he still couldn't get it done.

whether you like him or not, you have to believe that, had hamilton (or massa, for that matter) been in his position, they'd have found a way to wreck the fairy tale.

i don't know if he'll ever have a better chance to break his duck...

14th September 2008, 20:02
For me, the donkey of the race is "fast-laps-at-the-end-of-the-race-when-they-don't-matter" Raikkonen.

14th September 2008, 20:25
and, to be fair, i also thought about HK.

massa, kimi, LH and kubica effectively out of the race, front row start, mclaren v toro rosso (aka Minardi) and he still couldn't get it done.

whether you like him or not, you have to believe that, had hamilton (or massa, for that matter) been in his position, they'd have found a way to wreck the fairy tale.

i don't know if he'll ever have a better chance to break his duck...

But Heikki has already broken his duck!

Mickey T
14th September 2008, 20:32
But Heikki has already broken his duck!

oh, yeah. true.

brain fade.

how about this, then: he will never get a better chance to double his victory count!

14th September 2008, 20:33
i thought of kimi but then, as ever, my attention was drawn to whoever the hell it is in the Red Bull garage who calls the strategies for Mark Webber.

from comfortable third to, well, nowhere.

how often, in changeable conditions, do these guys get it wrong?
To be fair to Webbers stratagist, it was just bad luck that he ended up in traffic after the first stops and lost a lot of ground to HK, he was only about 10 seconds or less off Kubica at the end, and he did get a point, which is more than Williams and Toyota got.

my vote goes to whoever built the clutch/gearbox in Bourdais' car.

14th September 2008, 22:01
I'll add another donkey, the folks who decided starting the race on the SC was a good idea. pretty much killed any excitement at the start

14th September 2008, 22:04
The start was safe. I think you have to say it was the right thing to do.

14th September 2008, 22:43
I'll add another donkey, the folks who decided starting the race on the SC was a good idea. pretty much killed any excitement at the start

You're one of those who like to see crashes in F1! :rolleyes:

14th September 2008, 22:47
sadly ...kimi :(

14th September 2008, 23:41
Kimi + Ferrari in whole, the car dont not seem to have any grip when its wet, only good thing in this race was that the "ball licker" only got the 7 position.

I thought Massa came in 6th?

14th September 2008, 23:48
sadly ...kimi :(

I was going to say Ferrari, since neither car seemed capable of advancing past its starting position. But with Kimi knocking off those fastest laps near the end, I'd have to agree with you.

I'm not sure what's wrong with him. When there were stories of him getting wasted and cavorting with wild women, he seemed consistently fast. Now that he appears to have cleaned up his personal life, you don't know who is going to show up on race day: Fast Kimi or I Don't Care Kimi.

14th September 2008, 23:56

He passed Fisi early, but the broadcast team failed to note that he then fell back behind GF, Kimi, and Lewis--he very clearly had a spin or a tank-slapper and they got past. Then he has a coming together with both Fisi and Nakajima.

He's been a very good driver throughout his career, but lately he's had more than his share of incidents and, for me, he cannot retire quick enough.

15th September 2008, 01:03
Kimi Raikkonen because he made no impression in the race, considering his equipment and talent he should have done better.

15th September 2008, 01:15

He passed Fisi early, but the broadcast team failed to note that he then fell back behind GF, Kimi, and Lewis--he very clearly had a spin or a tank-slapper and they got past. Then he has a coming together with both Fisi and Nakajima.

He's been a very good driver throughout his career, but lately he's had more than his share of incidents and, for me, he cannot retire quick enough.

What, so someone hitting from behind is his fault? :s And with the Nakajima incident, we see from the outside camera that DC is only slightly behind, and from Naka's onboard camera, he goes past but then once he turns in he goes too tight as the gap between him and the white line shows he didn't leave enough room through there for DC.

15th September 2008, 01:51
You've all forgotten someone guys.

DotR is easy: the race stewards.

For their utterly crap decision in making Massa have to pass Nico again, when he had NOT cut any chicane anywhere. That decision cost Massa at least a couple of seconds, which in retrospect considering how close he was to Alonso, means 2 valuable championship points.

The stewards have gotten it badly wrong in regards to this chicane cutting business. They are ruining great races, races that we thought we'd never see in F1 again.

15th September 2008, 02:34
You've all forgotten someone guys.

DotR is easy: the race stewards.

For their utterly crap decision in making Massa have to pass Nico again, when he had NOT cut any chicane anywhere. That decision cost Massa at least a couple of seconds, which in retrospect considering how close he was to Alonso, means 2 valuable championship points.

The stewards have gotten it badly wrong in regards to this chicane cutting business. They are ruining great races, races that we thought we'd never see in F1 again.

The best answer would be to eliminate chicanes but that will not happen.

The next best might be to replace the run offs with very sticky stuff (more than the kitty litter they use now)so once you are off, there is NO getting back, crane or otherwise.

Then the penalty becomes quite clear, no more stewards trying to think about what to :confused: and there is no more cuttinG

but that will not happen either

15th September 2008, 03:22
What, so someone hitting from behind is his fault? :s And with the Nakajima incident, we see from the outside camera that DC is only slightly behind, and from Naka's onboard camera, he goes past but then once he turns in he goes too tight as the gap between him and the white line shows he didn't leave enough room through there for DC.

Was the incident with GF David's fault? It might be. Fisi had a thrilling dice with Raikonnen for several laps--where the two came very close on several occasions. But no contact, and KR eventually got by. The same deal with the Fisichella-Hamilton dice. It was close but Lewis found a way past without making contact.

On the other hand, Coulthard was involved in two fights and in each one the other driver's race ended or was severely compromised. I think Nakajima finished two laps down.

The common thread in about a dozen incidents between drivers this year is . . . . David Coulthard.

15th September 2008, 10:06
after the qualifs I would have said McL and Lewis.....But after sunday definitely Ferrari as a team..Massa for not taking more advantge from his starting grid position...Kimi for not keeping up with the other title candidates and Ferrari as a team for not giving there drivers a better car..surely if you see Toro Rosso did a great job !

15th September 2008, 10:09
Well, I normally defend Kimi but he's bang to rights for this one.

Massa get's an honerable mention for a pretty poor show.

LH would have been in the frame after a near disasterous tyre decidion in qualifying but made it up in the race. In fact, if the weather had done what it's supposed to, may have won.

15th September 2008, 10:43
So how did SB do what???

Kimi got FASTEST lap, CAN HE DO IT?? YES, AGAIN, WOW (sorry if you don't listen to speed tv you have no idea what i mean here)

Yeah, once again Kimi seemed a sleep until the end. I know what people say that it ain't true and I am stupid (or worse), but it is as almost as though he has ADD, as his driving certainly fits the pattern.

When Kimi is "really on it", I do not think there is anyone faster, but.....today it was though LH was really scared to challenge Kimi perhaps for fear of getting slammed offf the track, but when he did, it was as though Kimi was sleeping at the wheel......and later kimi just did not really seemed to want to pass cars in front, and at times would have the "passing advantage", then concede the corner.

It aint no good going quick having been plumb slow for most of the race, is it? Still' he's laughing all the way to the pub/bank with his contract extension. I wonder if his pay becomes performance related? ;)

15th September 2008, 10:47
Kimi - fastest laps don't mean jack, especially when the guy who starts behind you on the grid puts in such a solid performance.

Despite what the Scots will tell you DC is also a contender, a guy with that much experience should be able to race with other cars properly.

15th September 2008, 10:48
I was going to say Ferrari, since neither car seemed capable of advancing past its starting position. But with Kimi knocking off those fastest laps near the end, I'd have to agree with you.

I'm not sure what's wrong with him. When there were stories of him getting wasted and cavorting with wild women, he seemed consistently fast. Now that he appears to have cleaned up his personal life, you don't know who is going to show up on race day: Fast Kimi or I Don't Care Kimi.

That's a great idea for some new Ferrari merchandise. Kimi dolls! ;)

15th September 2008, 12:08
The donkey for me was Max Mosely for not having the guts to speak to ITV. We never used to be able to keep him away from the cameras now he shuns them, so he gets it for not being able to do his job properly becasue of his own shame, which he has accused two teams (german/Japanese) for comments they made.

Check out Max's body language, when talking to peolpe patting them on the shoulder, its all about him trying to show people want him there.

AS for drivers they all performed far better any of us could ever be capable of, as foe being top of there game, Heiki shold have won, his face said it all.

16th September 2008, 10:00
HK for being in a top car and yet being 10+ seconds behind a STR at the end.

Kimi for not moving up the grid and taking ages to pass a Force India..
Hamilton showed him how to get the job done.

(although I do believe the McLaren works much better in the wet and Hamilton is a better driver in the wet plus Kimi did seem to have problems getting the car to work as expected, still a Ferrari should not be behind a Force India car for 3 laps at a track like Monza)