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View Full Version : Family members use this forum?

18th August 2008, 08:43
Any of you have family members using this forum? Or flatmates etc?

I got my brother to join up this weekend, thinking its a good forum, with good debates, thinking I was helping the forum and website by spreading the word.

But got message from an admin accusing me of having a double account and to get rid of it asap.

Presumably this would be because our IP's matched as we were both at our mothers house over the weekend.

I must be honest I slightly annoyed, I do my best to encourage people to join this forum, and straight away the administrator demands me to get rid of other account etc, not even asking for an explanation etc first, just jumping to conclusions.

As an administrator, I'd have expected a much more easy going and reasonable approach.

Have any other users got friends or family who sometimes would use it from same internet access point and got similar message? Or am I only one?

18th August 2008, 09:08
Having family members use the forum is no problem :) . But we do have people who use 'sock puppet' accounts, for reasons best known to themselves.

18th August 2008, 09:48
Having family members use the forum is no problem :) . But we do have people who use 'sock puppet' accounts, for reasons best known to themselves.

Yeah I understand why you have to check these things and thats more than fair enough.

But I was slightly annoyed at the assumption, from an admin I'd expect to be a bit more professional, not just jumping to conclusions.

But he/she has replied and no hard feelings :) .

Dave B
18th August 2008, 12:14
Having family members use the forum is no problem :) . But we do have people who use 'sock puppet' accounts, for reasons best known to themselves.
It's true: I also post under the user name "Daniel", faking an interest in rallying and frequently arguing with myself. :p

18th August 2008, 13:30
My littlesister is on this forum. She goes by the name; Fousto. :)

18th August 2008, 15:48
My littlesister is on this forum. She goes by the name; Fousto. :)

And your bigger brother too, he calls himself Eki! :D

18th August 2008, 16:05
It's true: I also post under the user name "Daniel", faking an interest in rallying and frequently arguing with myself. :p

I too sometimes have to fake an interest in rallying :mark:


18th August 2008, 18:21
I pretend to be Namibian, is this frowned upon?

19th August 2008, 07:41
You should have explained this to Mods on feedback forum. :)