View Full Version : Open letter to Richard Garvie aka Tallboy aka Racing Rivals...

21st July 2008, 11:37

You’ll no doubt be interested to hear how the Farnborough Show went at the weekend, given how committed you are to the V8 Trophy series.

The great news is that it went extremely well, with thousands of fans crowding the display throughout both days, especially when we started the engines and made a noise to rival most of the roar from the air!

We’ve all got bad backs from lifting hundreds of spindly (and not so spindly!) children in and out of the cars, and there’s no doubt that many of the resulting photos will show up online and provide much-needed PR.

It would have been nice to have had more cars there, but you can’t blame Colin White for pulling out after you conned us all with your fairy stories about sponsorship from Mars. For all the truth in that one, maybe you meant the planet, rather than the confectionery giant. We’re just kicking ourselves for being drawn in again by your elaborate fabrications.

Of course, you were always going to get found out in the end, and your silence when you were asked to transfer the non-existent funds last week said all we needed to know.

Anyway, the other really good news is that we’ve finally been able to rid ourselves of one of the most persistently irritating dreamers to blight our concerted efforts to rebuild our great series. Any remaining shred of credibility we may have been allowing your unfeasible yarns has now completely disappeared.

I would imagine you’re a little disappointed, as you no longer have an audience to play out your weird fantasies to. In case you’re left with any doubt over the result of your actions of the last couple of weeks, let me spell it out to you –

Nobody involved with the V8 Trophy series, Rockingham, or oval racing in the UK in general, will ever take you seriously again. In fact, nobody even wants to see you, hear you or speak to you again!

(Actually, that’s not strictly true, as quite a few people I met at the weekend would like to have a very brief one-way conversation with you. I think there was also some mention of a desire to insert a wheel gun in a completely inappropriate hole, but I was too squeamish to listen to it all. I hope I managed to convince them that paying you any further attention was more than you deserved, and would give you a completely unjustified opportunity to make up some more semi-plausible stories)

So, this is goodbye from all of us. Feel free to turn your attentions to another hobby where your over-active imagination can run wild. You’re also welcome to buy a ticket to come and watch us anytime, if only to marvel at how we could possibly have managed without you!

Yours with great relief,

Skid, Duane, Tony, Neil, all the car owners, drivers and fans.

21st July 2008, 17:17
AMEN. Don't forget the crew that turned out this weekend that would like to say goodbye to the idiot to.

21st July 2008, 17:47
Sorry mate; I knew I shouldn't have made a list at the bottom. I know you guys have felt the pain as much as anyone...I was including all the crews as fans, cos that's what you are - like us all - or you wouldn't do it!

Anyway here's a pic to be going on with!

21st July 2008, 21:49
Amen to that! Add me to the list Skid, the berk took me for a ride too.

21st July 2008, 22:01
Amen to that! Add me to the list Skid, the berk took me for a ride too.

It's strange how we can all leave our common-sense commercial heads at home when it comes to our passion for motorsport. I've always felt somehow more vulnerable to rip-off artists and fraudsters when I'm at a race track.

Anyway, we missed you at the weekend! Won any prizes with your pussy this year?

22nd July 2008, 01:22
Don't forget that "FunCoast Radio" used to be "Fantasy FM". Say no more.
Communique from Belfast ends. So it does.

22nd July 2008, 17:11
the berk took me for a ride too.

Was it any good????!!!

The Pits!
22nd July 2008, 18:58
the berk took me for a ride too.

Was it any good????!!!
ahum, Mr Moderator? The whole tone of this post is going downhill rapidly :)

22nd July 2008, 22:42
Don't push your luck, lads! ;)

Skid is right though, sometimes heart rules head and things end up going a bit pear-shaped.

Sorry couldn't make it at the weekend Skid, I'd been booked to steward. Madam has done quite well for herself this year, BTW. :D

22nd July 2008, 23:31
Once I realised I'd been conned and researched a few of his schemes and past jobs in the radio industry, I could see he was "sick". Is anyone doing anything to make sure he doesn't carry on conning others? Surely where money is involved, there's a crime!

LukeCern Torquay

22nd July 2008, 23:58
...not that I can particularly be bothered wasting any more time on the guy, but this is an interesting wikipedia entry, obviously written by him, but with a rather amusing spoiler inserted by one of his victims halfway down the page. Quite funny really...



23rd July 2008, 00:11
So i have seen, i found something at arcanation, here;


But still, for those of us who, basically, havnt a clue whats going on and are currently working from snippets, would someone care to enlighten us on what has been said and, crucially, not delivered?!?!

23rd July 2008, 00:12
I know what I said in the last post...but this is just hilarious...

I'm assuming most of you have at least viewed the social networking site Facebook, if not as regular users. The idea is that you post a profile of yourself, and people who know you (or not) ask to be your "friend" so they can interact with you. Anyway, there is a special category for public figures and celebrities, and as clearly loads of people would want to be a friend to someone overtly in the public eye, the great and the good can opt for people to simply view their profile as "fans", rather than being able to contact them directly. Popular examples of stars who've done that include Lewis Hamilton (45,415 fans) and Michael Jackson (158,246 fans) etc etc...

So...check out who has registered himself as a public figure/celebrity...


Current fan count...? Well, it's a very round number!!!

Isn't that just tooo funny???!!!

23rd July 2008, 00:24
So i have seen, i found something at arcanation, here;


But still, for those of us who, basically, havnt a clue whats going on and are currently working from snippets, would someone care to enlighten us on what has been said and, crucially, not delivered?!?!

Well as I said in the thread starter, Steve; he claimed he had obtained sponsorship from Mars for the Farnborough event. He and I even had detailed conversations as late as Wednesday about how the cash would be apportioned, and which bank account he would be paying it into.

Like most conmen, he's very plausible. Unlike many conmen, he appears to have been stopped before he's done any real harm, in our circle at least.

I can't be arsed starting a crusade, as I'm sure he's not going to affect me or anyone I know in the future.

Happy to share what little information I have though if anyone needs a hand with any actions.


23rd July 2008, 20:07
...not that I can particularly be bothered wasting any more time on the guy, but this is an interesting wikipedia entry, obviously written by him, but with a rather amusing spoiler inserted by one of his victims halfway down the page. Quite funny really...



Seems he's made an interesting carrer move!

23rd July 2008, 20:33
The man is a complete ~*!% with a capital T!

23rd July 2008, 21:06
Far be it for me to act as a Mod but methinks people should be careful about what they say on a public forum about an individual.


23rd July 2008, 22:13
The man is a complete ~*!% with a capital T!

Just for clarity, it's Twit ;)

25th July 2008, 22:29
i was also drawn in, and even publicised the facebook group here (which drew its own criticism!!)

I've posted a link to this post on the Facebook group....and left the group. Hopefully others will do the same and in the course of time a new group will probably arrive run by a decent person.

Richard Lowery

26th July 2008, 08:27
Far be it for me to act as a Mod but methinks people should be careful about what they say on a public forum about an individual.


From what I've read on the various pages, the only lies seem to be perpetuated by Mr Garvie himself.

However, I concur that one has to be careful what one says these days, expecially since the NoTW lost their "Spankygate" case the other day.

26th July 2008, 09:00
From what I've read on the various pages, the only lies seem to be perpetuated by Mr Garvie himself.

However, I concur that one has to be careful what one says these days, expecially since the NoTW lost their "Spankygate" case the other day.

I agree with all of that; personal opinions are not necessary here. Just explain the facts and that says everything people need to know.

I have to say though; whoever modded that Wikipedia entry...brilliant...hehe!


28th July 2008, 20:30
That is work of art.

The Pits!
3rd August 2008, 15:53
A successfull arsehole in his own right

13th August 2008, 21:47
Looks like RG is active elesewhere. A new website is being constructed. http://richardgarvie.el2web.com/

The Pits!
14th August 2008, 20:22
and just a little search reveals the owner as...

Garvie, Richard
200 Rowlett Road
Northamptonshire NN17 2BX GB

and I just lurve his email address - [email:15mc8wdi]thebfg2007@tiscali.co.uk[/email:15mc8wdi]

The Big Fat G?? :)

16th August 2008, 12:16
Contacted webmaster for RG's new site and have established that he ordered the site for his "career in motor racing" but hasn't provided further details. Common sense prevails and we can expect the site to be removed!!! After many attempts, the Wikipedia entry has been edited and hopefully the current entry will be allowed to stand. It still isn't accurate but at least it gets part of an accurate message across!

RG has been in touch with me with some very cryptic messages but has still failed to return my money. Nothing less than theft and deception.

Its very important that sponsors and participants in racing etc, can get a picture of how he operates.

16th August 2008, 12:28
Contacted webmaster for RG's new site and have established that he ordered the site for his "career in motor racing" but hasn't provided further details. Common sense prevails and we can expect the site to be removed!!! After many attempts, the Wikipedia entry has been edited and hopefully the current entry will be allowed to stand

Yep the website has gone.

Nope, the wikipedia entry has been reverted again. I have made an edit with a different tack. Check the discussion page on the Wikipedia entry, I've requested that it be left alone unless he can cite some reliable sources.

16th August 2008, 13:03
Any other knowledge such as sightings and possible activities, that wouldn't be suitable for posting, please PM me.


22nd August 2008, 18:51
and just a little search reveals the owner as...

Garvie, Richard
200 Rowlett Road
Northamptonshire NN17 2BX GB

and I just lurve his email address - thebfg2007@tiscali.co.uk

The Big Fat G?? :)

Following enquiries, I have established that this address is not where he resides. It is his grandmothers house. What a B-*****

23rd August 2008, 18:50
It has now been revealed to me that Richard Garvie is a serial fraudster who has mislead countless people, including his family who have confirmed these facts to me. Independently I have determined that he has a criminal record and has mislead the police who have in the past been asked to investigate his activities. It is important that this individual is revealed to the world for who and what he really is! A professional and unscrupulous criminal. I have established correspondence with radio stations that have made it publically clear that he has nothing to do with them. I have established connections with Motorsports organisations that have been drawn into activities that have compromised their integrity and reputation. I have discovered claims by him that he has collected funds for charity and if that is true, the funds will undoubtedly have been used in a manner not intended by those who were drawn into contributing to apparently good causes that never really existed. I have discovered websites from which he had intended to make further claims as to his fictitious status and as a platform from which to defraud others. I have evidence of transactions on Ebay which have resulted in losses to those who made payments. Everything he has created in what appears to be a fantasy world is in fact part of a portfolio of criminal activity conceived to raise funds for his everyday enjoyment at the expense of other people who have been taken in by his very convincing lies. The reality is that he has no professional connections with anyone in the racing or broadcasting industries. In fact, he has no driving experience other than destroying a stolen vehicle. He has no connections in any industry but has one single daily objective which is to obtain money by deception. My full investigation will now be passed to the police to be added to the records they already hold.

All take note!
If anyone can add evidence to what I already have, please PM me

24th August 2008, 18:59
To "Lukecern"

Not that I doubt your sincerity in bringing Richard Garvie "to book" but who are you, and what is your connection with this affair?
