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4th July 2008, 22:29
Where are the main camber/banking pints at Assen (what corners)?

5th July 2008, 09:27
first corner: Haarbocht.. That used to have 9% camber, it has 4 now with the new circuit.. (don't know how they calculate the percents)

Then all the right corners, that follow until the left hairpin where Rossi crashed have a little bit of camber too. I think the hairpin where Rossi crashed has got it too..

then the Ruskenhoek, that hasn't got camber as far as I know..

Stekkenwal has still got camber.. Then the Bult; that used to be Casey's favourite corner because of the camber, it was unbelievable how obscene (is that right:P?) that corner WAS, it isn't any more..

They got it out of Mandeveen/Duikersloot as well for a couple of years ago I think..

Meeuwenmeer has got a bit

but still the king of camber (from Assen) is Ramshoek; the corner where Rossi06, Elias 07, Capirossi 08 and Hopkins 08 crashed.. that's still the most cambered corner, but I think it will not take long before Assen changes the corner, there have been so many accidents there, because it's the only place where you can make a real difference..

If you don't know which corners it are, look here:

BTW, the old 'Noordlus' is still there, the asphalt is still on the exact same place as at the time they changed the circuit. It's really unbelievable how amazing that corners are: since I've seen that I'm even more impressed about the Assen circuit..

Hope you know a bit more now:P

5th July 2008, 11:13
FIA & Corny

Slope/gradient/camber calculations as described by a mathematician will leave you with brain spin..........

My simple common hetero Aussie white-trash explanation is that a
10% camber refers to a rise of 1 metre over a distance of 10 metres.

Applying the same rule, a 4% camber means there is a rise of 40cm (or 400mm) over a distance of 10 metres.

Now......... you'll remember that for the rest of your life. I know because the voices told me.

7th July 2008, 11:32
whose voice, teacher's voice? :)