View Full Version : You Are What You Eat

16th January 2007, 20:39
I've just witnessed Gillian McKeith forcing a grown woman to climb into a bath in the street, filled with the mashed up contents of her weekly food intake, before berating her until she cried. What is the world coming to?

jim mcglinchey
16th January 2007, 20:41
To promote the benefits of healthy eating, they really want to get someone a bit healthier looking than little Gillian.

16th January 2007, 20:42
To promote the benefits of healthy eating, they really want to get someone a bit healthier looking than little Gillian.

Somebody told me she was only 40. Pass me that Kebab.

16th January 2007, 20:58
Hmmmm, and you kept watching Beans? :eek:

I missd it (sadly) :p :

16th January 2007, 21:00
Hmmmm, and you kept watching Beans? :eek:

I missd it (sadly) :p :

Well nah, I came upstairs to moan about it on the internet!

16th January 2007, 21:35
I've just witnessed Gillian McKeith forcing a grown woman to climb into a bath in the street, filled with the mashed up contents of her weekly food intake, before berating her until she cried. What is the world coming to?

You people get up to some crazy things in the UK :p ;)

17th January 2007, 08:20
Gillian McKeith scares people then sells her lovely products at Sainsburys (at no doubt a very reasonable price) and makes us believe that all will be well.

She's pretty smart.

17th January 2007, 10:07
It's an awful programme, and typical of the current trend by which we are supposed to somehow respect unpleasant people just because they are deemed to be 'successful' in some way, or to 'know better'.

Nonetheless, the title always reminds me of a cutting from the WI news section of a local paper, which read: 'At the December meeting, Mrs Todd, a dietician, spoke on the subject of 'You are what you eat'. She was thanked by Mrs Dixon. The competition for mince pies was won by Mrs Dixon.'

17th January 2007, 11:53
I bet McKeiths **** smells just as bad as everyone elses.

Dave B
17th January 2007, 12:34
If you indeed are what you eat then "Dr" McKeith must have eated a poisonous witch at some point in her life.

17th January 2007, 12:38
I cant stand that woman. I bet she doesn't eat those grains that she makes other people eat.

She reminds me of that fat fighters woman off Little Britain!

17th January 2007, 12:46
And she bought her title.

I think they should repeat old editions of Bodymatters with Dr Graeme Garden and Dr Alan Maryon Davies.

Dave B
17th January 2007, 12:58
Her PhD is not the only "qualification" which she's bought:

For example, she is proud to announce under "Professional Associations" that she is a certified member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants (AANC), which certainly sounds impressive. I bet you get a little certificate and everything.

· In fact, I know you get a certificate, because I'm holding it in my hand right now. It's in the name of my cat, Henrietta. I got it in return for $60, and it's a particular honour since dear, sweet, little Hettie died about a year ago. So, coming in a bit cheaper than Gillian's non-accredited correspondence course PhD and Masters degrees (although she will have got a discount from "Clayton College of Natural Health" if she ordered them both at once), it looks as if all you need to be a certified member of the AANC is a name, an address, and a spare $60. You don't need to be human. You don't even need to be alive. No exam. No check-up on your qualifications. And no assessment of your practice.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/life/badscience/story/0,12980,1315472,00.html

There's more of her mad rantings here: