Quote Originally Posted by AAReagles View Post
There's even some speculation here in the states about how long american football can maintain a popular fan base. Particulary with younger generations.
I think this is a real issue that many forms of entertainment face today. People have access to so much entertainment and less time to enjoy it. They have to choose what the want to consume. Sports are often a family tradition. Mum and Dad were Dolphins supporters to little Johnny grows up a 'Phins fan. The games are always on the TV, perhaps they're discussed at the dinner table. It's part of the family almost. Take that away and it can be hard to get back.

In Australia soon F1 will no longer be on free TV. There are many households that simply can't or won't subscribe to pay TV. F1 will become largely invisible to the next generation as they won't be seeing it every other Sunday. With so many other things to take it's place how will it force it's way back into the hearts and minds? I doubt it will unless the powers-that-be have an epiphany and realise that the more people who see the sport in as many ways possible the better. Instead they hide it behind pay walls.

I fear for this sport, really do.