The thing about Bernie as he becomes older is I don't think he realizes that his shameless headline grabbing is in some peoples opinion "bringing the sport into disrepute"! He's like Don King only he never served time in prison for killing someone! The way he hypes drivers and teams is not becoming of the principal/figure-head of a "league"
Instead of initiating a personal correspondence with a team principal he prefers to go public, and insight the consumer. If someone says their life would be miserable if they had to live life retired, I would take them at their word. I would only suggest that he take on the challenge of another job.
For instance He could start a new R.C. sailboat league, and try to break Germany's strangle-hold on international competition.
I think he suffers from,
The Short Man/ Napoleon syndrome. Myself I will enjoy f1 with or without him.
I may take exception with the way he promotes it, and other areas that I think need improvement like holding a gun to the head of traditional F1 Venues, by showing them he has absolutely no problem moving that venue to a place that not only doesn't have a tradition of world class auto racing. One's that will most likely discourage the sports fan-base that can afford to travel 1/8 of the way around the world to attend, but not 1/2! So I ignore the nonsense that comes out of his pie-hole as much as I can and concentrate on the morsels he sees fit to provide! The alternative (F1 turning into the IRL) is worse!