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  1. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark
    What was actually said to him there? You would think that he would just be told something like "Sir, we have a situation, you must come with us now" or something to that effect.
    What was said to him was to the effect "The World Trade Center just had a plane fly into it, and we don't think this was an accident".....Think are in a room full of children, letting your guard down, and then you are told that your nation may be under attack. Think about the raw emotion you would have as a leader at that moment, yet you cannot be sure, and you don't want to alarm anyone. You watch Bush, and you can see the processing of the information and the way he steeles himself for the really lousy day he is about to have....THAT isn't least by someone like Bush. Maybe an actor, but Bush's emotions were usually on his sleeve....
    "Water for my horses, beer for my men and mud for my turtle".

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark in Oshawa
    THAT isn't least by someone like Bush. Maybe an actor, but Bush's emotions were usually on his sleeve....
    Again, I agree completely.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by slorydn1

    As for the other side, I really don't know that there was anything the general populace in Germany could have done because they were scared out of their minds that the SS would be coming for them next if they dared to speak out, even if they saw what was happening on TV.

    In any event, outstanding question; it really made me think.
    not sure it would have mattered much.

    THe German people were very controlled by the media and their owns sense of following orders and doing the right thing.

    Anyone see the "The Reader", an exellent movie about a person albeit, somewhat limited intelligence, who was so worried about being outside of accepted mass behavior, she paid all sorts of heavy prices and did certain things, and ultimately, the leading male figure in the movie was no different.

    In Iraq, people permitted Hussein to do all sorts of things, despite the internent and other sources of TV news that were independant of government control. Life in Iran is no different.

    I do think that with the instant TV mass media coverage, perhaps we would have been less likely to engage in the wholesale firebombing of cities, atomic bomb attacks on civilain targets, and murdering children, but then recently i saw a documentary about until the fall of communism, the circling b-52 bombers that were kept constantly airborne with 20 megaton nuke warheads that were too large for missiles, but were intended to do "mop-up work on large cities", long after the missiles had hit their targets. So maybe not.....

    Interesting to me is that there was any such fussing in WWII, it was when the american army while liberating Dachau took it upon itself to execute as many as 345 Nazi SS who were thought to be guards (apprently the actual 2,000 or so actual guards ran like chickens, leaving some new arrivals to be in charge)...and there were some reporters around.....there was even a hushed up court martial.....and still some whining about it...

    In the book Band of Brothers, it describes an abrupt but deliberate execution of one such nazi, although the movie portrayed that particular scene somewhat differently as though they were ordered to go get him and he was shot while running to escape from them....

    AND as to those executions, , my only criticism is that I think they should have hunted and killed all they found on the spot, which is an opinion quite different as to what happened with the firebombing

    But now because of TV and the liberals, the troops are far less likely to carry out justice on an individual basis, but as to burning cities and children, that readiness to do it with nuclear weapons has remained intact
    Only the dead know the end of war. Plato:beer:

  4. #54
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    More untold truths the Rockerfeller Center-based media fails to report on.
    This is not the military I served in for almost 10 years.
    And today all the TV news hacks praise the replication of a corrupt democracy within Iraq their people neither asked for or wanted.

  5. #55
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    WWII with modern media scrutiny - Hitler speech concerning the Bromberg Massacres and conduct of the war in Poland. IMO he failed to recognize the hands behind this act of provocation wanted him to respond militarily in order to ignite the flames of war.


  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by SportscarBruce
    More untold truths the Rockerfeller Center-based media fails to report on.
    This is not the military I served in for almost 10 years.
    And today all the TV news hacks praise the replication of a corrupt democracy within Iraq their people neither asked for or wanted.
    Cowards and traitors on youtube? I don't believe it.

  7. #57
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    God Bless America, at this point in history she really needs it.

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