Quote Originally Posted by havk
Long times ago I saw a WTCC race and it looked very interesting. I tried to know sth more about series and found out these stupid rules. Reverse order on grid to 2nd race is of course stupid, but there is also a ballast added to cars depends of what type of engine competitor use - I don't know details could someone explain it to me?. For me such a rules make the series no longer sport but the show. I' would very like to watch WTCC (it's like F1 to tourism cars) but those absurdal rules prevent me from it. Would you imagine in F1 with similar ideas? 100 % agree with Robinho and Bdunell this should have no place in serious championship. I really don't know why FIA ruin this super racing and changed into show.
You said it. The FIA tend to ruin every championship they run. They ruined the DTM back in 1996 and it went to the wall. They tend to get involved when they shouldn't and make up rules and change them constantly throughout the season.