Well, you guys that know me know what I feel for my fellow Colombian JPM.

I am a blatant JPM fan that got hooked on his talents of F1 and am now following him in NASCAR.

It's been a great learning curve for both Juan and I.

Juan gets better and better on each race and I am learning to enjoy all the different types of oval tracks. And of course when the 2 road courses come they are the best specially when you see Juan navigate himself through the other cars with that heavy bouncing car of his.

Those guys are nuts and seeing them race that close together and at those speeds is awesome.

For me the trick to enjoy the race is to record it - that way I can fast forward through parts of the race that may get boring, specially with the length of the races. I can even start recording it on the same day that I view it but start watching like an hour or two after it has started and I just catch up with the race.

Some things bug me like the yellow cautions that come from nowhere or getting screwed if you pit at the wrong time and then a caution happens but that's part of the NASCAR circus.

Juan is having a ball, he's climbing up the ranks and he's showing the good ol' boys that this latino has big balls and can race those heavy clunkers to the front.

Juan is a true racer and one of the best in the business. Period.

Go JPM!!!