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  1. #31
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    What do you think the truth is then? Do they not race there just to p*** you off?

  2. #32
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    I get this serious feeling of deja vu - all this disagreeing about disagreeing.

    Also gentlemen, if you haven't got all the facts to hand - irrespective of your opinions - please refrain from saying that people are lying. And don't diss something until you've tried it.

    If the racing is not to your taste, then say so, but please do not spoil it for everyone else - especially those who've put their money where their mouth is in order to keep the V8s racing. Spoiling it for everyone else is disrespectful.
    Scrumpy, scrumpy, scrumpy, SLEDGEHAMMER!!!
    Colin and Keith: the WHITE Stuff! :up:
    SCSA Pickems Champion

  3. #33
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    i tell you what ya if you don't like it don't watch it.
    make love not war.

  4. #34
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    Me thinks Tractor has been Drinking and singing on the harrykoke...

    look spedwox, i dont lie, ok....i have only scratched the surface of what i can say on a public forum and what i know to be true on the time line of ASCAR's 7 years at Rockingham, unlike Kelvin i have not given up on racing there again and Rockingham will have us back if we have enough cars, even if it is another persons idea of two failed series running as 2 classes,

    i was actually quite happy with the tv, just wish it was an hour long and not crammed into what must only be 22 mins i guess, thats my take on it and we are happy to be back with the Camso's in two weeks.

    see you there....

  5. #35
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    I thought my post would enliven the debate and my views were correct.

    Can I reiterate that these are my views alone; I am a fan, follower and admirer of the Pick Up Trucks and that is all. Conversely I have become disenchanted with the direction and decline of the V8's primarily through the inflated claims, exaggerations and mistruths of the championship/series' health and progress since its difficulties began.

    I am not affiliated nor connected in any way with the PuT and/or SHP so they cannot be "my" series, championship .... etc. in any way, shape or form. Neither am I having my strings "pulled" by anyone nor being taken advantage of, as no-one has any ownership nor claim to my loyalties or thoughts.

    or has someone not finished pulling your strings yet and using you to his advantage
    the person(s) you are inferring to will probably take exception to this incorrect assumption and I hope I have corrected your erroneous beliefs.

    Yes, I am the starter at Rockingham for the PuT but equally I am also the starter for all racing at Rockingham for all events where I am invited to man the gantry.

    My loyalty is primarily to Rockingham, as its a brilliant venue, then the PuT then any other racing, wherever it may be, that I wish to attend as a marshal. Please note that I am only a marshal, not a representative/ spokesman of PuT racing nor the organising clubs.

  6. #36
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    i doubt any person(s) can take exception to the truth chiggers....... especially when one of them told me to my face (on the eve of our last race at Rockingham in 2007) that he was supprised we had not already started breaking our cars and selling them off, inferring we had nowhere else to run !!!!

    im glad you started this one chiggers

    and is it me or are they all asleep in the sky centre tonight, i wish they would just show the feed straight from the states, right thats the comand , later guy's


  7. #37
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    Many of you know my feelings on Warneton, it's not for me (stop whispering in my ear Kelvin), and the TV programming shows me that my gut feelings were right. Though that's not saying the racing wasn't good. When they get the 1/2mile oval built at Venray (I think that's where it's going), then I may well get all enthusiastic and have a go - which is one reason why I haven't sold my car.

    I still live in the clouds with the cuckoos, hoping for a resurrection of proper racing at the Rock, but like Kelvin has said - a £1000 entry fee will not be viable - unless it's offset with a share of the gate.

    There's no doubt about it, with the media attention, ELMS is growing, there is quite a lot of interest in it from many different corners of the motorsport world, and it has an audience which isn't restricted to a 100mile radius from Corby.

    As for the CAMSO cars being strong enough to run on the Rock - as Kelvin has said, the Lefthander chassis is good enough, just needs the additions that the Howe chassis had to meet FIA/MSA requirements. Some of that will also redress the weight issues.

    Superlatemodels run on speedways (3/4 to 1.5mile) tracks in the 'States, as well as 3/8mile short tracks.
    Team Air Ambulance - Rookie Champions 2007. Support your local air ambulance charity

  8. #38
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    Unlikely at Rockingham :(
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    Thumbs up here he goes again

    OT - sorry guys, but it has to be said
    Quote Originally Posted by Tractorboy.
    chigley you are a ... etc etc.
    this is exactly the sort of thing i expect from you! If I was a moderator on here this post - and the other I have spotted elsewhere - would have been pulled, and you would have been banned (again?) Suffice to say I have reported both posts to the Mods, so hopefully they will sort it out for those of us that want a sensible, non-flaming discussion.
    2009? wriggly-wriggly for MSVR
    2010? the same unless something of interest returns to "The Rock"

  9. #39
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    Offending post removed, gentlemen. I *can't* be here all the time - I do have to eat, sleep and answer the calls of nature ocasionally...

    Now, can we kindly get back to the discussion in hand?

    Regarding the TV feed - it's like trying to shoehorn a quart into a pint jug. It's inevitable that some of the action is going to end up on the cutting room floor when there's such a short slot available.
    Scrumpy, scrumpy, scrumpy, SLEDGEHAMMER!!!
    Colin and Keith: the WHITE Stuff! :up:
    SCSA Pickems Champion

  10. #40
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    good job witty!

    nice to see i'm not in the firing line for once witty!

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