Quote Originally Posted by muggle not
slorydown1, that is blasphemy. I never heard of a N.C. person that did not follow racing and basketball.

I'm not orginally from here...I come from Rosie's neck of the woods. I did follow basketball when MJ was with 'DA BULLS and they were wrapping up all
of those championships...the Last NBA strike did me in, just like the 95 MLB strike did. In fact, all those overpaid crybabies are what drove me to like racing to start with. As for college basketball, it wasn't a really huge deal when I was growing up in the NW suburbs of Chicago, college football was.
Living here now, I will get involved with a college basketball discussion from time to time, and if I had to be nailed down on a favorite team I would say UNC but that would be because thats where MJ came from....I couldn't tell you anything about their current players, nor Duke's for that matter....
Thank God the Bears are in the playoff's because I would be pulling my hair out waiting for the Bud Shootout to get here if they weren't!!!!!