Quote Originally Posted by truefan72 View Post
Well now that Ocon has secured the seat at Renault for 2020 ,the real question is what happens to Hulkenberg now/
Many speculate that he will move over to Haas and Grosjean will be shown the door.
But tbh the better option would be with Alfa Romero which could see potentially 2 seats become available for a solid car in 2020
If kimi retires then there is one seat, if he stays, surely Gio will be axed for mediocrity and Hulkenberg will be an instant upgrade.
Either way, I think Gio is cooked.
A kimi/hulkenberg lineup in a car that just keeps getting better in a 22 race season seems like a strong pairing.
Rather that than having to deal with KMag and an unpredictable Haas car.
Ferrari like to keep things in the Ferrari family. Chances are they would replace Gio with another Ferrari academy driver such as Werhlein or Kyvat or a rookie from the F2 world into the Alfa. Hulkenburgs real chance of a seat is at Haas or Williams. Everywhere else seems locked down.