Quote Originally Posted by sonnybobiche View Post
LOL, since you clearly work for WRC.com, here are some tips you can take back to your boss:

Everything is good right now. The sport is going in a great direction. You need to make minimal changes in the coverage. Specifically, the on-screen graphics are shit and don't give a good representation of the state of the rally at any given moment. Second major issue is the quality of the video. I know the source video is good, because when I watch it on RedBull TV it looks great. If you are offering a paid product, it can't look worse than the free one. Third issue is the sound. Sometimes the balance between dialogue and background is not quite right, and there is usually an obnoxious shitty electronic music track obscuring everything.

Fix these three things and you are basically golden.

PS: Promoting a scammy credit card this way is dirtbag-level.
You only offer the problem of graphics. Why not set an example of how it can be fixed rather than noting its bad?

Perhaps RBTV offer a different streaming bitrate (higher) than the WRC?

The sound issue can be addressed, duly noted and that’s something they can work with. (Better than saying “your sound is sh!t” and not give the example of how!