Kind of a dull race overall, but a few interesting things going on...

Shame that the race was essentially gifted to Vettel through a combination of VSC and SC. If they'd just called out the SC right away, I don't think that would have worked; by keeping all the gaps the same but still getting the boost to relative delta in the pitstop itself, it made it an easy leapfrog. Still, if Bottas had been up front with Hamilton, Ferrari wouldn't have been able to force Mercedes to try to cover two different strategies.

Probably the big takeaway for me is that the particular setup of that track makes overtaking especially hard for cars with this particular set of aero regs. All the way up and down the order, slower cars were able to hold up faster cars and it really looked like any time a chasing car got close they just lost all of the grip. Hamilton seemed to have a lot more pace than Vettel in that last stint, but every time he got within a second or two he was struggling to keep the car on the road. Same with Bottas, and also Alonso keeping the faster Ricciardo at bay for a good number of laps. This was exactly what happened at Melbourne last year IIRC.

Looking forward to seeing some racing on other tracks that don't seem to induce this quite so much. Early days, but I think Hamilton has to be favorite for WDC again this year.