Quote Originally Posted by Big Ben View Post
I find the fact that Trump exists annoying enough. The fact that he's the president of USA is quite depressing. In a normal society he should clean toilets for a living. In our society he's a ?illionare president. He's been lying for so long about his wealth and success that no-one really knows how rich he is. I can very well understand why people are sick of traditional politicians. I'm tired myself about all these fake politically correct bullsh!t politicians but voting a rude, megalomaniac, slow-witted jackass is not the answer. to anything.
I dislike Trumps view point and general approach too. However you say he should be cleaning toilets. The guy has got himself into business and been a success from that point of view. For that he deserves his success and credit. You can't just dismiss him as a being because you don't like his view point.

He stood for President and won so that speaks volumes about the opinion of many in the US I guess. Plus as you say people do get tired of the same old political situations.