They also have a daughter and were a beautiful happy family. They moved in the house next to me a few years ago. We weren't close friends but we used to greet and sometimes I talked with his mother esp. about their cat ( remember Tina?). I knew the boy studied architecture and sang in a rock band. The band repeated in their basement but I never knew the band name. When the fire was announced on TV I instantly thought of his band but then I googled the name of the band that sang on the club and was relieved that his name wasn't among them. Never thought he was a friend of them and even made the video for their single. On weekend I noticed some weird moves at my neighbour's gate but didn't care. Even saw his dad and said hello but he didn't say anything about the incident. The news came today when my brother called me at work saying he thinks that a boy with our neighbour's name died in a hospital in Birmingham. It was like a thunder hit me, I realized it was him and burst in tears. Life is so unfair..... He didn't deserve such suffering, his skin was seriously burnt and so were his respiratory organs. But my biggest concern at the moment is his parents. I wish they'll be strong enough to overcome this. They're probably destroyed after so many days of uncertainty, maybe they hoped that by sending him to UK he'd get a chance.