I'm surprised this one hasn't been reported yet (though I may have missed it): Kamui Kobayashi has reportedly been seen at Caterham's Leafield HQ for a seat-fitting. They have been further reported to be letting go of both Pic and van der Garde, and are said to have been in talks with perennial GP2 nearly-man Marcus Ericsson. Why, I have no idea, but I do have my theories. Sponsorship is of course part of it, but I suspect Caterham are more interested in a specific sponsor. Ericsson was sponsored by Olsbergs MSE when he was racing for iSport, and Caterham might be looking to them as a potential partner for their road car division. That's the only explanation I can think of for their (potentially) picking Ericsson over Pic and van der Garde and the likes of Felipe Nasr and Sam Bird.

The second Marussia seat is even harder to call. McLaren shopped around and tried to place Kevin Magnussen at a few teams, including Marussia, but got no takers. It was suggested that if they had placed Magnussen at Force India, then they might have been able to place Stoffel Vandoorne at Marussia. But since Marussia would not take their first choice, Magnussen, I cannot see them being willing to take McLaren's second choice, Vandoorne. Max Chilton publicly breathed a sigh of relief on Twitter when Magnussen scored the McLaren seat, but his father has since left AON Insurance, so there are now question marks lingering over his head. Since I suspect McLaren want Magnussen and Vandoorne in their team for 2015, I think they might push Marussia to take Vandoorne, and maybe evencoax the team over to Honda power next year. That would also give them access to Jules Bianchi, and any combination of Magnussen, Vandoorne and Bianchi in a McLaren will give them one of the most exciting line-ups in years.