Quote Originally Posted by D-Type
You can't have a half cousin. Either you have a common ancestor and are a true cousin, be it a first cousin, second cousin or even fifth cousin twice removed, or you don't have common blood so you are not related. If, as appears to have happened here, your uncle re-married the two lots of children would be half-brothers and sisters to each other, but they would all be your full cousins as you all have the same grandparents. Your [true] uncle's wife is your aunt, but if she remarries her children by the second marriage are not your cousins as you don't share a bloodline.

When it comes to understanding cousins and things you need to ask an old-fashioned Scot - they know the various relationships because of the old Scottish tradition that killing a blood relative is considered extremely bad manners.
Clearly, you have never spent time in West Virginia. On matters of cousins (and sheep), them folks are the ones who know the ins & outs (no pun intended - well, yeah, I guess it was intended) of cousins.