Quote Originally Posted by AndyL
But I don't really see what problem it would solve. It wouldn't prevent team orders. It would just mean the orders would be issued before the start of the race.
Exactly, team orders didn't exist before team radios right?

I mean in Fangio's day drivers were never told to let their teammates past right? Nor were they told to pit and hand their car over to their teammate. Back in the old days drivers were never told to let their teammate past because it might increase sales in a particular country right (Like Fangio being told at Aintree 1955 to let Moss through because Mercedes needed a publicity boost in the UK)? And Mercedes never told its non-German drivers to let its German drivers past to win for Nazi propaganda purposes before WW2 of course....

We'd certainly never get the Paris-Dakar rally results decided by a coin-toss before the event. Absolutely not....

Team orders only began with team radios so banning them will get rid of team orders, yes I can see the logic there....