Quote Originally Posted by The Phantom
I agree Corny, Toseland is the class act of the field this year. Biaggi and Toseland to fight out the championship (and I won't be surprised if Biaggi takes it!).

Warwick Nowland sat in with Jonathan Green for commentary and opined that he'd like to see Corser get the title (to make it three titles on three different bikes) - that would be cool, but sadly seems a bit of a stretch.

Toseland has almost double the points of Bayliss...
Yes JT has been the class of the field so far and Biaggi has had a strong start to the season, you have made a major oversight not including Haga in your championship calculations. With Corser by his side to push him on (he needed the inside competition) and the added benefit of Troy being a top developer, Nori is becoming increasingly competitive and looks every bit as good as 2000 when I reckon he was at his peak. One thing is for sure, the title chase is gonna be a cracker!

Quote Originally Posted by The Phantom
Pitt also did an excellent job - taking away 20 irreplaceable points from any would-be challenger to Sofuoglu's title chances.

Brookes raced well, seemed a bit overwhelmed by the agression at the pointy end of the field but made no real mistakes. Will be at the front again soon I'm sure.

What happened when Bayliss and Biaggi went to sleep within a corner or two of each other???
Pitt rode a terrific race, especially given that he only got 12 laps of dry practice. However, he really didn't help Kenan cause too much, Riba took care of that! With Curtain and Fujiwara in the dirt, Charpentier and Harms in the medical bay and Parkes manfully carrying a significant injury, Sofuoglu has it in the bag. And good luck to him. He is a real shining light for the future of WSB and Roby Rolfo will be looking for a new team next year.

Brookesy was terrific. I think he really burned his tires up trying to keep up with the leaders in the first race and had no answer for the charging riders at the end but was most impressive in the second race giving a disappointing (injury not-withstanding) Bayliss the hurry-up.