Watched Day 1 coverage from Eurosport... so far so good. Julian Porter is doing the commentary similar to how he use to do a LIVE Power Stage but with a bit more script. A few hiccups with him but it's his first time doing it. Kinda like the guy from IRC but better haha.
Production wise, new graphics and the way the show is put together. Few panning shots of scenery are duplicated but what can you do. Heli-cam is pretty good and enough coverage of cars on stages including Ogier and mentioning the S2000 cars in the days review.
There are awkward silences when Julian isn't talking as well as the background noise you can hear... I heard a phone ring!
When they're doing service park shots or interviews, it takes a second to kick in, service coverage it's very quiet so that'll improve.
Simulcam is something new when they've filmed one part of a stage from a distance and put two films on top of each other, two cars on each other and compared! Pretty neat!

On another note, I don't think the teams or drivers are paying anyone (Production company) to broadcast coverage of their cars like they did in the past.... There is plenty of drivers talked about and shown including the Skoda guys and Delecour so things have changed. I only recall seeing Henning or Wilson once on the show... perhaps they're not doing well.... (Sorry couldn't follow the rally properly last night)