Quote Originally Posted by tfp
Agreed! But I diddnt understand the last bit
Rallypär is Swedish and i wuz replying to him.....
Then again his ancestors settled all round the NW and NW coasts

You should, them bastids settled where ya live...I though you'd understand Swedish bra. You sure you're from the NE?
håll tummarna is 'hold (the) thumbs''

Heja Petta is like Up Petter! then även om han är Norrman is a little poke saying 'even if he are (a) Norman (Norskie bastid)

Last bit is being fair, cause if I was going to flip some skit at Petter for being Norwegian, justice says I have to flip some skit at Swedes too so it says ''(no swedish devil (directly translated it's 'devil' but more like 'bastid') is on (the) same level---what the hell is with that?'')

You sure you're from upp norf?