Quote Originally Posted by Matthew
The team principal is responsible for team directive and employment of the technical team, so he is responsible to a large amount.

Sacking Nick Heidfeld for the reason of the team 'needing a change' is not an example of good leadership.

Nonetheless, we will see how they go next year.
Renault have traditionally in the past few seasons seem had the knack of improving their car. Last year they brought a new front wing for nearly all the races but it seems this year they've been stubborn with their exhaust system.

S**t happens. It's been said that F1 has technically become homogenised but this year was anything but.

Wait till what the future brings before heads start rolling.

Quote Originally Posted by DexDexter
Add to that the ultimatums for Kubica...
If EB isn't exactly convinced of RK's fitness then should you be?