With the news that theformer head of MI5 now being in favour of marijuana legalisation comes some incredibly stupid responses from the geniuses who think people should be punished and given a criminal record for possessing a substance that will only do them harm and not others, and far less harm than alcohol.
Quote Originally Posted by Prohibitionist No.1
"I don't want the person driving the train I'm on to have just had a joint thank you very much," he said. "I am reassured by the fact that it is illegal."
Yes, legalising marijuana automatically means train drivers will decide to drive whilst stoned, and the only reason they don't currently do it is because it is illegal, not because of common sense. Also, train drivers are constantly wrecked on legal intoxicants such as alcohol and salvia. /sarcasm
Quote Originally Posted by Prohibitionist No.2
"What I am concerned about is the idea that we should stop fighting it and wave the white flag to these criminal gangs and say that we walk away and give up. We need a clear message from law that says this is wrong and sends the right message to young people."
Its the criminal gangs that WOULD LOSE OUT FROM LEGALISATION because the trade would fall into the hands of legitimate businesses. You might say otherwise, but which is more popular, Budweiser or hillbilly special brew moonshine?
Wouldn't mandatory tobacco style health warnings on weed packets send out a message of the possible harms to young people? Rather than some random off a street corner saying 'its well healthy innit'. Annd wouldn't in depth education in schools about all popular intoxicants and stimulants so that people are aware of the risks and benefits and make an informed choice be better than simply saying 'just say no'?