Link: Formula 1

Q: Ferrari’s Fernando Alonso recently paid you a huge compliment, saying that he believes you are the only driver in the field who can win races with a car that is not as competitive as the best car on the grid. He said he will be watching you during the winter tests…

LH: I am honoured that Fernando is so positive about my qualities, despite this season and the differences that we had. Our relationship has got a lot stronger and the respect that we have for each other is much stronger. It is great to see that he has come out with these compliments, as I have also always said that he is one of the best drivers. So in general it is really good to hear that I have received support from other drivers as well.
I'm doing a bit of tabloid douchebaggery myself and hence the title can be misleading, but well, you can pretty much extract that from what Alonso said. Does anybody have a link to the interview where Fernando said this? If the official website is claiming it, it must be true, but I never thought Alonso would be giving Lewis such compliments.

He is 100% correct though.