Well, never thought I'd be making this thread. Still 10 days to go, but I guess the thread had to be started some time. What better time than now, what better place than here.

The track seems to have been completed in time. Still a last few touches remaining. Still I'm happy it was completed, I thought we'd never see it done judging by pictures from a month ago! Neel Jani did a few laps in a Red Bull show car, so at least it's ready to race, I would assume. Let's see. These are the latest pictures from the media unveiling.

More pictures here: http://www.planet-f1.com/photo-galle...-Track#photo=1

I just hope they did a good job on the tarmac, and not like the usual douchebaggery they do with construction of usual Indian roads. We don't want the Korean GP track coming off scenario again, do we?