Do you support the team, because of the manufacturer, or the driver.? Why?

See there isn't a single lad on the current grid that stands above the rest to me. For some perhaps their loyalty is based on nationality. Perhaps you drive the car of one of the manufacturers and like their philosophy, or simply their cars.

I'd just like to get a general view of the reasons for supporting a driver or a manufacturer.

I support Honda, because I like their passion and dedication to motorsports, I like the philosophy and I love their cars. As a manufacturer Honda is committed to making inherently environmentally unfriendly (cars) as environmentally friendly as possible. Honda simply refuses to make an engine bigger than 6 cylinders, as a matter of fact, they keep trying to make them smaller more fuel efficient and even completely carbon fuel free.

Personally I could never support a team like Ferrari. Sure they make nice cars, but they are overpriced, unfriendly to the regular Joe and the environment. So If I can never own one, and I know that it isn't good for the general good, I don't care for their driver. Why would you support a team like that. On top of it all, they still use tobacco money to run their team. IMHO completely wrong in this day and age.