Apparently , Newey was petrified that , having chosen a degree of camber on the fronts that was more extreme than the recommended four degrees , the tires were in danger of delaminating .

Obviously , the recommendation was put in for safety reasons , and the FIA are in charge of this aspect of the racing .

It would seems rather obvious to me that a simple tire angle measuring device could be employed to make sure that the racing is safe on the tires supplied .

The situation begs the question of who would be responsible for a major failure , if the recommendations regarding camber are disregarded .
If this was , indeed , that scary for Newey , then I say that this should be stopped right away .
He went into the unknown here , and risked his driver's lives for a win . That's just not right .

And , it would be a horrible end to a stellar career to cause something unthinkable in this way .

Pirelli's response , obviously feeling extremely vulnerable that this isn't regulated to begin with , has been to say they will be even more cautious in the future , recommending even less camber , so as to try to rein in the greedy teams .

This , of course , won't work , as the teams now know this will be the plan , so they'll likely just regard it as such , and go even more extreme .

From Newey's attitude about flaunting the recommendations , it suggests that Pirelli may already be down-grading the angle suggestion already .
They are supplied with all the data from the teams regarding the tires , so they can design them to the spec , so they know what Newey is doing .

When asked , Hembrey wouldn't reveal the angle Newey was setting them at , but it sure sounded like he wanted to .
Here , perhaps , is one of the keys to the speed of that Bull .
It may also be handicapping the others as well , if Pirelli is purposefully down-grading the camber angle because of the Bulls , and the rest are following orders .

Much as I hate the introduction of new rules during the season , I advocate getting some regulation in pronto here , so we don't have a disaster .

Pirelli should be allowed to recommend a maximum camber setting , and expect that the FIA will regulate it .