Quote Originally Posted by ioan
Satelite dish, Sky TV, Pay TV?!

There is this thing called internet, you can find everything you need on there if you know where to look and for a fair price too.
Da, da, da, uh oh, here comes the smartass.

Point me to a legal website where I can watch F1 in HD quality or even near HD quality, ioan. Oh, and it shouldn't have downtime or server issues, and my 25 Mbps "broadband" connection should be able to easily stream it without interruptions. If it was this easy, don't you think I'd have paid for the MotoGP subscription at MotoGP.com? Their live streaming stinks, no matter how fast your connection is, constant feed cuts, disconnections etc.

As for free, don't tell me about Justin TV or some other crapola website, or those numerous ad riddled blogs with hugely sub-par pixelated quality, where streams keep getting shut down by FOM every 3 minutes. PM me if you actually know of some secret amazing free web site where I can watch races in "good" quality and English commentary.

I can very easily torrent races recorded in HD, but I wanna watch the races live, and not wait a day until they upload it. And believe it or not, I want to legally "pay" for my entertainment. Besides, those dedicated torrent sites need a lot of seeding to keep your ratio up, something for which I don't have time.

And it's not just that, besides F1 which I'm forced to watch on RTL channel with German commentary, I want to watch MotoGP, Cricket and NBA, which I haven't been able to watch AT ALL in Romania for the last two years, because well, cricket and NBA don't exist on the TV here, and the exclusive rights to show MotoGP belong to some cable company, and freakin football is everywhere.

Anything else?