Quote Originally Posted by BDunnell
Last time I looked, a certain element of hazard was always inevitable in motorsport.

On second thoughts, maybe I shouldn't have written that, for I will now inevitably be (completely wrongly) accused by those who put two and two together and make five of wanting to see drivers hurt or killed.
No, I have more sense than that.

Rubens has a legitimate cause to be concerned. I just don't see it as incessant whining by an overpaid athlete. He's merely stating his perception from inside the cockpit, which is a viewpoint that 99.9% of spectators will never experience.

My stance has always been the same. Get rid of KERS, get rid of the flapping wings, get rid of traction control (already happened, yay!), get rid of all that aero crap, standardize all the knobs and switches on the steering mechanism, and for goodness sakes RAISE the level of horsepower. That will really give something for the drivers to cry about!

I think then that even if we don't see a lot of passing in F1 that watching all the drivers skate around the track would be joyful. Okay, going back to dreaming.