two passes: one beautiful over the shoulder pass with the kind of grace missing from today

and then on the same drive, right at the goal line, a screaming bullet of a very short pass that could have been intercepted and returned for a TD, while he danced on the edge of the sidelines on his tiptoes at the flag.

Stunned, I was when he caught it and amazed at the timing. Again, the type of timing, route running and coordination, with the tiptoe dance, one seldom sees today. The ball was thrown as Lance made the cut with his back to Staubach, he spun around on a dime, and the incredible reaction to catch one of the most screaming passes ever from a short distance. That ball was thrown way too hard to be catchable, but he made the catch as though it was nothing.

rember one game where Lance went over the middle and his feet were knocked out from under him as he went up for the he was cartwheeling almost upside down he caught the ball, landed on his head and as he got up to run, but the referre was blowing the whistle, I think because he thought the pass had to be incomplete, or down by contact but the contact occurred before he touched the ball.....

to me, he was the example of the greatest receiver ever.......and the shame is that Bob Hayes did not have good hands, nothing like lance, cause I guess hayes dropped about 300 easy TD passes, maybe more.

Went to a Giants game with Don throwing in the old cotton bowl. Hayes caught two long td passes, but he dropped four more.....It was great, because don would go back a certain way and set, everyone knew he was going long to hayes. Crowd would go instantly silent as the ball left the hand for a couple of seconds---dead silence---.....and then there would be this moan or roar, depending on how hayes caught or did not catch the ball.