Quote Originally Posted by D28
I found the race very frustrating to watch, as 2 of the title contenders could not race their way toward the front of the pack. I prefer that the title is decided by racing rather than by qualifying and the luck of the draw from a 1st lap safety car. Granted, neither driver was helped by team strategy.
My recollection, say from the mid 1990s, is that drivers gave way to the contenders in the final race and let them go to it. In fairness usually only 2 contenders were involved, with much simpler points calculations. I do not expect the others simply to move over, but I would expect Alonso and Webber to be able to force their way by.

I agree, and later Petrov said what I was thinking, that if Alonso really stuck his nose in, Petrov would not have pushed him off track or had contact, for fear of the possible sanctions. (for pushing off the leader of the WDC by a non-contender--remember the contact between JV and MS??? at least they were fighting for the WDC.....))

So he bluffed Alonso, BIG TIME

Quote Originally Posted by Mark
But we weren't talking about a situation where the drivers were equal on points and winner takes all. If all the non-contenders had let Alonso go, that would have given the title to Alonso.

Certainly Renault would be asking questions of Petrov - and probably showing him the door, if he had done.
See above

I think when Vettel, a non-contender for the WDC broke this unspoken rule of not challengning the contenders in the last race of the season, that this may have shown something for future events---what I am talking about is when Hamilton won the WDC despite the pass from Vettel at Brazil that appeared to knock him out of it.

Meanwhile after the MS/JV clash, the others permitted JV to limp along in the lead for lap after lap until the last corner, when a certain mac driver passed him for his first f1 win, after Jock Clear had repeatedly reminded JV of the "agreement"